Bank Holiday Rundowns


New Member
Our aim was to make the most of the first Bank Holiday of the year and I think we did it justice :eek: :lol:

Thursday me and Tom headed into town to meet our London family before Gatecrasher, got in there nice and early so Tom could have a full-on trance sesh. It was a complete throw-back to the original Gatecrasher days and it was one exploding moment after another :eek: :lol: I don't think the poppers ever left my nose all night and we were still all going strong at 6am when they finished with Airwave, at which moment Tom nearly came on the dancefloor :lol:

Kidnapped Jon, Bec and Rachel at the end of the night for a little aftershow at ours and spent the day getting in various states of silliness and getting involved in various antics which should probably never be repeated for our health, welfare and sanity :eek: :lol: Jon and Bec left early evening after a proper destroying and we got a double delivery of pizza and mushrooms :lol: Passed out joined to Rachel in siamese twin pose and woke up on the sofa at 3am with achey breaky body. Got on the rose Saturday morning and then realised I was going to be on my back for Ministry if I didn't stop drinking so crawled to Rachel's for a roll around in her bed. Woke up got back on the rose and met Jamie at Ministry. Tom turned up a bit later with some friends who he'd been on a leaving do with. Paul Jackson was excellent and as for Danny Rampling, well the King of the Love Groove Dance Party can still pull out all the stops. Left Ministry when our bodies were on their last legs and kidnapped everyone back to ours. More mixiness followed, went on a little adventure to see the new Wembley stadium and Neasden Temple :lol: Carried on and on and eventually my body gave up on me midnight.

Had to get on the rose Monday morning purely for medicinal purposes and spent the afternoon in the sunshine at the pub.

Bank Holidays don't you just love them :D
Heavy heavy weekend!!! Suffering a bit now though.

Thursday: Joined Babs, TMT, Jon, Becki, Alex and Rachel at Gatecrasher in Heaven. Started off very good but John Kelly was awful so moved upstairs for a bit. We had decided to drive as we knew the rest of our weekend was going to be massive, so ended up leaving around 2.30am.
Friday: Drinks in Soho and then on to Fiction with lots of friends. Great night had by all. Weird point in the night came when I saw two 3 ft monks walking around in their brown robes. They then turned into Easter Bunnies later in the night around 3am. :eek: :eek: (Other people confirmed that I wasnt seeing things!!!). Left Fiction at 5.30am
Saturday: Straight from Fiction to AM at Fire. Was there until around 11am when we decided to call it a day. Think I might have seen Buckley as I was leaving but was in no state to try and figure anything out.
Spent a couple of hours in bed and then up to North london at 6pm for Israel v Ireland World Cup Qualifier. Was absolutely gutted when Israel scored in injury time to equalise after we had controled the game!! But thats football. Home to bed by 11pm.
Sunday: Got up at 7am to go to Trade. Trade was empty when we got there. I believe most people were in Beyond this weekend. But those of us who stayed till the end were rewarded with two great sets by Pete Wardman and Lady Bianca. Left Trade at 3pm and headed home. Wanted to carry on but went to bed. Got up at 9pm and went to Orange at the Fridge. Was a really good night but was very packed and hard to move around. Home by 7am
Monday: All day in Bed.

All in all, a good weekend, but probably overdid it a bit. Need to have a few quiet weekends now for a while.
spunkymonkey said:
All in all, a good weekend, but probably overdid it a bit. Need to have a few quiet weekends now for a while.

Tell me about it, me and Tom were laid in bed last night feeling like we were going thru cold turkey :eek: :lol:
Thursday - Finished work and went straight to Leeds and got on the wine. Had a good laugh and went to see a coolio jazz band which was really good. Was very civilised and in bed for 4am!

Friday - I cant remember must of been boring.

Saturday - Went to see Del to the boy Carter at basics which was really really good. The place was rammed and he played a good set but not the best set of the night if i'm honest.

Sunday - recovered for a bit then did family things!

Last night - Went out for a few pints and got home at 5.30am this morning, feeling very tired and hungover :twisted:
silvia said:
Fly back from New York city with the worst flu ever :confused:

:( There is not much worse than flying on a long flight withthe flu/cold is there!
N8 said:
:( There is not much worse than flying on a long flight withthe flu/cold is there!

Specially when Delta people think that 10ºC it's a comfy temperature for the journey :rolleyes:

Had the time of my life in the big apple, even catch snow on wednesday, saw Nicks beating Spurs and I've been very spoiled by Pep (and Pep by me) :D

I'll try to upload some pics tomorrow

Have you all been good boys and girls? ;)
All American airlines are rubbish and think it's ok to treat customers like cattle these days! They've all gone downhill massively since their hayday in the 60's/70's, no wonder they're all going bankrupt :lol:
Barbie said:
What do you think :eek: :lol: ;)

Glad you had such a fab time ;)

I don't think I'm ready to read your Bank HOliday Review :eek: :lol: :lol:

BTW, did some stunning shopping... clothes are so cheap and dollar is so weak compared to Euro that was impossible not to go a bit mad :eek: :lol:
silvia said:
I don't think I'm ready to read your Bank HOliday Review :eek: :lol: :lol:

BTW, did some stunning shopping... clothes are so cheap and dollar is so weak compared to Euro that was impossible not to go a bit mad :eek: :lol:

Don't mention the Bank Holiday word, I'm in rehab :eek: :lol:

So what did you buy missy - Dior, Chanel, Hermes :lol: ;)
N8 said:
All American airlines are rubbish and think it's ok to treat customers like cattle these days! They've all gone downhill massively since their hayday in the 60's/70's, no wonder they're all going bankrupt :lol:

They were ok, and they are the only airline to fly NY - Barcelona, and the price was reasonable... But Pep is in bed today :rolleyes:
Barbie said:
Don't mention the Bank Holiday word, I'm in rehab :eek: :lol:

So what did you buy missy - Dior, Chanel, Hermes :lol: ;)

OK, B___ H____ is the new forbiden word :lol:

Got lots of Quicksilver stuff, some Fossil clothes, Emily Strange and Paul Frank goodies, a Gap skirt for 20$ and a pair of rifts in brown and blue, couldn't find anywhere the pink ones :D

and a Armani Coat :oops:
silvia said:
Got lots of Quicksilver stuff, some Fossil clothes, Emily Strange and Paul Frank goodies, a Gap skirt for 20$ and a pair of rifts in brown and blue, couldn't find anywhere the pink ones :D

and a Armani Coat :oops:

Well if you can't shop in New York where can you shop ;)
Barbie said:
Well if you can't shop in New York where can you shop ;)

Exactly, and for once, we could take advantage of the Euro :lol: :lol:
I also got a tinny shinny digi cam as a birthday present from Pep. And I also bought a Tim Burton's Tragic Boy and a pair of earphones for my ipod, it's like having Sonar SoundSystem in my head :D
Friday morning started with good intentions - met up with a friend, got a picnic together and went boating on the Hyde Park serpentine.
...Eventually got pulled over by a speed boat for being drunk and disorderly. :oops:

Sat - Went to a house party followed by Beyond. Formed a very exclusive gang and spent the whole night recruiting people and making them feel extra special. Probably took enough tranquilisers to kill an elephant but didn't leave the dance floor once and 9 hours felt like about 2.

Carried on being unnecessary till Sunday night and got about a million texts from different people asking how they could get hold of an exclusive gang membership. Not really sure who any of them are but they seemed to have an awful lot of information on me. :oops: :lol:

Sunday - Arrived at Orange for a 12 hour dance fest at the fridge...was amazing and never again miss a Sunday night Orange as long as I live! It was a complete freak show and the music was amazing. Loads of evil basslines that have given me about 5 extra Tuesday morning frown lines.
Ran into aforementioned gorgeous South African and went into obsessive fish wife mode for a while - aaah...but then a funky black diva took to the stage and completely tore the place apart. I've never seen anything like it.
By the time the 5am DTPM lot arrived from Fabric the place went crazy for the third time...spent the last hour being mother hen to loads of G casualties. Bless their hearts - they act like naughty children and respond really well to being told off despite being muscle marys about three times the size of me...quite a funny sight.

Loads more daft moments that I can't stop giggling about but you really had to be there so I won't bore you with the details. Made loads of new friends which is exciting but worrying since my database of 'grown up friends' is diminishing rapidly. :confused: :D
N8 said:
All American airlines are rubbish and think it's ok to treat customers like cattle these days! They've all gone downhill massively since their hayday in the 60's/70's, no wonder they're all going bankrupt :lol:

totally agree. never felt so crap after flying american.


as for my bank holiday shenanighans...

Mr Morillo Totally rocked the place!

Met up with Robo the Cainer & Friends, NITEFLY and headed in at 11pm.

Found Ferd, Paulieboy and Claire (Good to see you guys again), Ericks Cuz Jaime and his gf Kari (all the way from NYC via Bury) and the rest of the RY lot from up North.

Box room opened about 12ish, went down, was absolutely Rammed.... :x

lost everyone (as usual), but found a nice dark corner up front, even tho you couldnt feel the music, suppose it was better than having someone feeling yr pockets.

come 2am, box room kinda lost a few peeps to the bar, and lots to spaces to throw shapes. 8)

Music stopped about 3ish so he could get his cake, sang him happy birthday... music started again and was STILL going when i left at 7am.
finally left at 7am, he was STILL playing.

Music wise he went a bit proggresive, but happy tunes came out towards the end. Highlight of the night, loads of fooked peep singing So Many Times... :lol:

Spent monday in an out of conciousness, forced myself out of bed at 9pm to have a breakfast/lunch and Dinner combo of Fish n Chips and veggie soup left over from the night before.

woke up this morn feeling like crap.


still all worth it tho.
