Avant Garde Experimental Music

The other corner of the garden

I would like to sing
as if it were not me,
empty of past tears
prisoner of storms and droughts,
nothing more than this

I would like to sing
with no dust of the roads
in my voice
vibrating like a bell
announcing the morning

making fly
birds and doves
all around my tower
full of power
to awake the souls asleep,
nothing more than this

to sing in green an flowers
in water and moments
painting a sun
of orange juice
while the rain showers my skin
at the other corner
of the garden
Live Ambient Music - Green Traveller and Red Traveller

Live Ambient Music - Green Traveller - Somnambules Generation - Digitone - Digitakt - TR-8S - Pa600

Live Ambient Music - Red Traveller - Somnambules Generation - Digitone - Digitakt - TR-8S - Pa600


In the dark room

Once I saw you cry
Cry cry
with all the mad strenght
that your broken soul it had

Your broken soul

How your eyes they cried,
so dark
without any relief
so dark
without any relief

your lips were still closed
silence of sadness
silence of sadness

And how the hours flew by
and you with your pain on your back
sitting on the stiff chair

Letting letting
time go by
with you heart open
weeping and breathless.

I turn into a monster
a monster,
I observe myself
from that distance that the strange it has

I turn into a monster
a monster

And I immerse in sensations
of the dark of myself
when I open the door
to the perverse and the abstract
of free will. x2

It's so easy to be terrible
amid so much confusion
it's so easy to be terrible
in love stories
unleashing the demons
of each one in their corner

even if everything is just a little song

It goes away
and it comes to me
madness and frenzy. x2

Everything is storm
of water and thunder
and the heat of debauchery
in this love
that you give me
in this love
that you take away

Your love, your love, your love
so strange
that kills me every day
a little more
a little more

because I die in your eyes
in your kisses
in your kisses

like a flower dies
in the hands
of those who seek love. x2

And the days that you are sad
my dreams melt
like paper
In the water of your sadness