Avant Garde Experimental Music


The night calls me
It's time
to walk again
in my shadows

the cold makes me
go fast fast fast
even not knowing
where to arrive

and while I walk
I get carried away
by the rhythm
of emptiness

One two one two
my steps

that make me find
the hidden mirrors on my way
to pick up
the tinny pieces
of myself
there and there
there and there

Here is a piece of heart
a glance
a laugh
a tear
a whisper

How to rebuild a mirage
I am a creature
of Frankenstein

one two two two
a little jump
to my childhood
one two two two

How to rebuild a mirage
I am a creature
of Fankenstein
Smoke - Only two glasses and Life..

I look at your window
from mine

only two glasses
and life
separate us

and that simple distance
stirs in that air
that we can't breath together

together together

I smoke
my cigarette
as if it were your kisses
giving light
to what is buried

and I sigh shrouded in smoke
filling my room
with sadness and something else

smoke smoke smoke
that drowns me
that blinds me
putting paper tears
on my face

only two glasses
and life
separate us
The Gipsy Woman

There is a knock on the door
it's Rosa the gypsy

Rosa Rosa
girl woman that goes begging
from house to house
from house to house

Rosa Rosa that looks at my face
while you tell me the tragedy
that you dragg now

Rosa Rosa
mourning flower
with your body prisoner
of that so black dress

let me cry with you
although I ask God
in my inside
what you say
is a tale
to make mercyful my pocket

but today your eyes
are two wells
full of mud
two winter landscapes
barren and abandoned
after the flood of your crying

Rosa Rosa
little gypsy that comes and goes
skinny and shaky
haunted by her shadow
that also trembles under her feet

let me cry with you
although I ask God
in my inside
what you say
is a tale
to make mercyful my pocket

Rosa Rosa
little gypsy that comes and goes
skinny and shaky
haunted by her shadow
that also trembles under her feet x2

Rosa Rosa
Delirium - Among the waves of Time

I look at today
with the light of yesterday
in my eyes

gas light that numbs my soul
and makes me float
in this sea
that everything it swallows

I am a landscape
that lives between the air
and the water
separated by the glass of a bottle

that comes and goes
among the waves of time

trying not to crash
against the rocks
of what could not be

I am my delirium
and my blindness
and my words
I am everything that crystal
protects and captures

I am my lost universe
Game of Fire

I look at you
you look at me
there are no words
only our eyes
and our hands talking to each other
seeking seeking
the sensations of the game of fire

Maybe love is there
who knows

But in the meantime I look for you
you look for me
we find each other
my mouth in your mouth
one breath
my love today
maybe tomorrow too
who knows who knows

I know nothing about you
you know nothing about me
we like each other that's all voilà
anyway we look for each other
we find us and smile

Maybe love is there
who knows
my love today
maybe tomorrow too
who knows who knows
Blank Paper - Video Clip - Nu Fusion Music

It's always hard
to face
a blank paper x2

Will I know how to weave
with what is not there x2

How to fill that void
so pure
with what words
or thoughts
to navigate its surface

Will I know how to weave
with what is not there x2

Will my hand be the medium
that writes a story
that I don't know x2

My mind
the architect
that builds something that substains
by itself

My soul
that appears in my eyes
to discovwe
invisible ink

Will I know how to weave
with what is not there x2

I hear siren voices
tempting me
when I walk
a dark corner, a dark corner

But I smile and go my way
without looking back
close to the wall

It's strange
to run way from oneself
when incomplete sensations
congest every moment
and get thick in my blood

How many times did I try
don't trip over that stone
on the roasd
waiting for that blow of my steps
that makes the earth
open under my feet
and suallow my way

If I were that stone
I would keep it in my pocket la la la la
to trhow it into an abyss
when the road becomes my coat

and if I were tht stone
O would keep it in my pocket la la la la x2
I hadn't used my Gibson ES-335 for a long time and that must be because some things about it bored me. One day I started researching on the Internet about the sound differences that could exist between a 335 with Stop bar and a 335 with Tailpiece. The truth is that I did not find much information, but what convinced me the most was they said that guitars with Tailpiece have much less strings tension making them more pleasant to play. They also said that their acoustic abilities improved, etc ... So I decided to give that 335 a change and turn it into something more magical for my taste. I changed first its original Gibson Bridge by a Graphtech Resomax NV PS-8843-C0 https://graphtech.com/collections/resomax-bridges-tune-o-matic And then I removed the Stop Bar and installed a Trapece Tailpiece https://www.thomann.de/gb/abm_1504n_trapeze_tailpiece.htm The installation of a Trapece Tailpiece is not complicated, but it requires a little care not to damage the guitar and checking that everything is well aligned and adjusted Conclusions: By the moment I am really happy with the change and I hope to continue like this



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The Mummy - Closets always contain secrets

I forget it
that i'm alive
and I become a hidden mummy
in a closet, in a closet
that protects me from calendars
and minutes and seconds
filled with yesterday, now and later

I am a bandaged ghost
with the papers of the news
that are the same
always so sad and expert
in repeating over and over again
over and over again
for ever and ever, Amén

This planet
it's a closed circuit

The life, the water and the air we breathe,
everything is past, everything is past

This planet
it's a closed circuit
and the words that we pronounce as they appear
on our role
are already said, are already said, are already said

There is no way to escape this crystal ball
it is the one used by witches
to see what will happen
it's always the same
It's always the same
The Vein - Has this happened to any of you?

I look out of
the white walls
that protect your farewell
while the rain falls slowly
with that calm the tears have
when they cry in silence

Life continues rolling
from foot to foot
and my world
becomes a simple dot
in the mystery of Death

I needed a cigarrette
and went out to smoke
to burn my throat
my fears
my doubts

Then then then
I came back quickly
to that room of the goodbye
and saw your vein
in the neck
stop top stop stop
and sawy your vein
in the neck
stop stop stop stop

and I explode into
in a million of questions
they were the same

did you called me to see you go bye?