Arty Bars


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you may or may not be surprised to learn that ibiza has many, many bars which double as art galleries, with ever changing displays of works. i've just written a small article on this for easyjet and now i'm expanding it with photographs for the spotlight site. i was out today in ibiza, doing a bit of last minute shopping and taking photos of the hostal del parque on the plaza del parque which has a lovely new gallery.
here is a link to my photo hosting site where my photos are at the moment.

also interesting if you've never been in ibiza in winter is the total lack of hustle and bustle on the saturday just before christmas.
nice photos stephen.

i was in ibiza last xmas and your soo right, its soo relaxed!!!!
Believe it or not its hell here, people have been doing xmas shopping since october and some shops have had there xmas deccorations up since october as well.........your soo locky!!!!
i personally think that winter in ibiza is the best time of year to visit.

what do the others think?
I've never been but I'm sure it would be nice...Anywhere to get away from the madness of the holidays is something I would look forward to.
I imagine it could be very tranquille and special to experience, but I still crave the warm sand and the cool people from all over Europe (not the footballers! NO way!)...I went to Eivissa in the end of Sept. last year and found the Island to be almost quiet sometimes, especially in San Antonia, that place was a ghost-town, and my image of Ibiza is that special place with a lot of smiley faces EVERYWHERE....So I might end up being dissapointed! :roll:
you most certainly will.
the smiley faces which inhabit ibiza for a short 10 week season are absent in abundance for the rest of the year. it's fantastic. it you want the spirit of ibiza come here now in february - if you want to come to a place full of people exactly like yourself come in august
WELL WELL STEPHEN - are we being a bit cynical or judgemental here?
"people exactly like you"??? What do you know?

I come in August because I´m not into solitude and abandoned beaches...Sorry, but that doesn´t make me a true "Ibizan lover"...I would LOVE to see Ibiza during every season and feel the tranquillity during quiter periods, but faith will have it that I can´t afford to go that much - Not can I take time in my schedule, so when I finally decide to go, I choose a season where I know I will meet people and see great DJ´s - as well as being able to experience the more tranquille aspects on the beautiful Island.

Been there 4 times you know, so I´m not "just a one-timer". Thank you for the great info you provide us with, but keep in mind that we are all different people with different views.

Ibiza-girlie said:
WELL WELL STEPHEN - are we being a bit cynical or judgemental here?
"people exactly like you"??? What do you know?

I come in August because I´m not into solitude and abandoned beaches...Sorry, but that doesn´t make me a true "Ibizan lover"...I would LOVE to see Ibiza during every season and feel the tranquillity during quiter periods, but faith will have it that I can´t afford to go that much - Not can I take time in my schedule, so when I finally decide to go, I choose a season where I know I will meet people and see great DJ´s - as well as being able to experience the more tranquille aspects on the beautiful Island.

Been there 4 times you know, so I´m not "just a one-timer". Thank you for the great info you provide us with, but keep in mind that we are all different people with different views.


PMSL :lol: Go girl :D
Hi there!

Well...I think it´s important to stress that I truly LOVE the Island, I mean why else would I be here all the time surfing on the Ibiza-Spotlight and writing comments out of season, if I wasn´t genuinly interested :-)
Ibiza-girlie said:
Hi there!

Well...I think it´s important to stress that I truly LOVE the Island, I mean why else would I be here all the time surfing on the Ibiza-Spotlight and writing comments out of season, if I wasn´t genuinly interested :-)

Stephen is often grumpy after the wkend, I think he suffers from bad comedowns LOL!! ;)
stephen said:
the other 80% of the island's visitors would though.

Stephen, I am 27, give me a few more years and I'll be one of those other 80% visitors, at the moment tho I am firmly sat in the 20% camp :D
Maybe...see thing is, you don´t know ANYTHING about me. I´m a singer and have been collaborating with various songwriters and producers. Currently recording Chillout tracks back home with a guy (Fluff) whom caught the interest of Bruno at Cafe del Mar. His tracks have been released on the 20´th anniversary celebration CD of the Cafe, so of there were no clubs here but still the lovely chillout-scene then YES! This is what my heart beats for.

You probably have me picked as being one of those crazy tarts with neon-pants and flashlights in their hands, taking every pill in the world and dancing like a maniac every night when I´m in Eivissa, right?

Well..Stephen, to be honest, you schouldn´t be so judgemental. I love the island for its resorts, beutiful beaches and many other things, and I cant believe I have to explain myself to you.......Well I guess I just don´t want to be mistaken or taken for a person I´m not.

If it hadn´t been for clubbers or the DJ´s - Ibiza wouldnt be such a main attraction, and the fact that the Island is a place for such a crowd makes be believe that you really dont approve of that. But it´s too late to change and let´s focuse on the good parts instead.
Have a nice day
i wish i hadn't opened my mouth.
tell me more about these flashing neon pants though.......

HEHE Well you picked the wrong woman on the wrong day and on those special days where we get extra moody haha! :-) no harm, no foul - and no one´s mad here, just fun with a good discussion - keep the blood rolling through the veins hehe :P

well neonpants...uhh....are quit tacky if you ask me. A real "teenage-clubber" thing! 8O
ibiza would still be a major tourist attraction..only it would be like any other tourist island.....