Arms or Legs?

Had a few emails asking how my mate is getting on. After a couple of days getting used to only having one arm and one leg, he was back to normal. To tell you the truth when I see him in the pub now, it's like he always had one arm and one leg.

Did you see that German dude with the arm transplants?

There is hope for your friend yet.

Although be careful who the doner I knew a one-armed miserable joke shop owner and he got the arm of a nun sewn on in an illegal arms deal. It tried to turn him into a better person by giving money to charity and helping old ladies across the road. Not good!
Yeah there was a guy in our college who had an arm transplant.

A week after the operation he was looking at some jazz mags and decided to have a bit of a masty...

Thinking it would feel 'different' with the new arm, he tried to shake one off but the new arm was having none of it.

Eventually he said


The arm duly obliged and tugged his old fella up and down once...

"W4nk! W4nk!"

...and the arm did it twice!

Turning to a very arousing page, he shouted

"W4nk! W4nk! W4nk! W4nk! W4nk! W4nk! W4nk! W4nk!"

The arm thrashed away so hard that it ripped his c0ck off and he screamed


so it shoved it up his 4rse....
Dirk are you trying to challenge Buckley's reign as Head Thread Resurrectionist?

What the hell kind of medical issue would give you a choice of which bits to cut off???
I"ve heard it can be deadly when you get them both together. He's lucky to have survived with just a double amputation.