Are women really under any more pressure than men?

The womanly 70s body has given way to the skinny silicon slut look.

Which somewhat contradicts the stats when it comes to rising obesity in both sexes.

I wouldn't extrapolate too much from celeb TV and a few hardcore porn titles.
I was going to type a response in relation to some of the comments - but then I thought "nahhhhhhhhh let them have a catfight amongst themselves" ... :rolleyes: :lol::lol::lol:

I personally avoid anything that has "Women" in its title - for instance today we have a power lunch for IWD at a local hotel for all the women in the organisation, personally? I cant think of anything worse that spending time with a bunch of women who feel honoured to be given 2 hrs out of the day to talk about "being a women in a mainly male domineered workforce" zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Its not something that appeals to me, I dont feel I need any special consideration because I am a woman with a busy role.... I dont want to be pigeonholed or categorised thankyouverymuch...

Its like "Secretary's Day" - a day on which your boss is meant to buy you a pressie or thank you for your work? If I only got thanked once a year I wouldnt be doing the role.. :spank:
I think in terms of image, women are also perpetuating the situation. Sure there are selection pressures of a female to look attractive for males like there has always been throughout evolution. Also this is true for males.

However you don't see males fighting for women (apart from Blackpool). Is this not an issue created by industry?! As I really don't believe this being solely, if any is a pressure created by men.
Enough Mars/Venus rhetoric. It's outdated and yawnsome.

I'm guessing you steer clear of stuff like this then?

A list of spun data to convince how women in the UK have it harder than men. No mention, for example, of the fact that young men are far more likely to commit suicide. Believe me, I'd love to be able to read The Guardian without the increasing numbers of divisive/male bashing articles. It's the extreme feminists that perpetuate the Mars/Venus stuff.
I was going to type a response in relation to some of the comments - but then I thought "nahhhhhhhhh let them have a catfight amongst themselves" ... :rolleyes: :lol::lol::lol:

I personally avoid anything that has "Women" in its title - for instance today we have a power lunch for IWD at a local hotel for all the women in the organisation, personally? I cant think of anything worse that spending time with a bunch of women who feel honoured to be given 2 hrs out of the day to talk about "being a women in a mainly male domineered workforce" zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Its not something that appeals to me, I dont feel I need any special consideration because I am a woman with a busy role.... I dont want to be pigeonholed or categorised thankyouverymuch...

Its like "Secretary's Day" - a day on which your boss is meant to buy you a pressie or thank you for your work? If I only got thanked once a year I wouldnt be doing the role.. :spank:

Nice one. 8)

Gender doesn't exist.

Days like this are required though as there's lots of campaigning that comes out of it.

...and while there are Christian women haters and power hungry men with testosterone overload (including those with internal genital organs), there needs to be a counter festival to embrace.

Plus in a world where women are forced to look like darth vader or have their clitorises carved out like hunks of gristle, it's kinda important to honour the feminine in everyone.
This is just something to chew on

Male: when they come of age Mr. if they marry Mr.

Female when they come of age Miss if the marry Mrs.

This is the case across many cultures see the women's movement to change it in France. I'm just saying.......
I think in terms of image, women are also perpetuating the situation. Sure there are selection pressures of a female to look attractive for males like there has always been throughout evolution. Also this is true for males.

However you don't see males fighting for women (apart from Blackpool). Is this not an issue created by industry?! As I really don't believe this being solely, if any is a pressure created by men.

Women want to look better than other women so they can snare a better man.

Men want to look better than other men so they can snare a better woman. (Men so far have also been able to use resources/wealth to impress.)

This will always be (mostly) true, as it is to any animal that reproduces through sex.

Industry steps in and exploits this to the limits of current technology - we can give you bigger tits, make you look younger, spend £x and join our gym and get a better body, etc.
This is just something to chew on

Male: when they come of age Mr. if they marry Mr.

Female when they come of age Miss if the marry Mrs.

This is the case across many cultures see the women's movement to change it in France. I'm just saying.......

1st world problems #2,983,101 ;)

Women can call themselves Ms if they want.
expand please

More disturbing to me is the attitudes amongst the younger generations.

Huge increases in sexual violence within relationships between youngsters, sexualisation of girls from a young age primarily from the influence of media and popular culture.

I also think society is getting "porned out" :eek::lol:. Look at the average youth TV, music video, album cover, magazine, whatever. It's all low level porn.

This is probably why young girls feel pressure to look and act a certain way.

It just looks and feels like a big regression in acceptable attitudes.

At least when i was younger every girl wanted to be a Spice girl and they would kick your ass if you crossed the line.:D
...Huge increases in sexual violence within relationships between youngsters, sexualisation of girls from a young age primarily from the influence of media and popular culture.

I also think society is getting "porned out" :eek::lol:. Look at the average youth TV, music video, album cover, magazine, whatever. It's all low level porn.

This is probably why young girls feel pressure to look and act a certain way.

It just looks and feels like a big regression in acceptable attitudes.

Is this actually inequality though? Is this not just how society is? This classed as sexism is not strictly true in my opinion, it is just comparing views of an older generation with another ideology of the younger generation, very subjective.

I do feel though how everything is sexualisation of many things is pretty terrible. Which has a knock on effect to the changing views of the young.
More disturbing to me is the attitudes amongst the younger generations.

Huge increases in sexual violence within relationships between youngsters, sexualisation of girls from a young age primarily from the influence of media and popular culture.

I also think society is getting "porned out" :eek::lol:. Look at the average youth TV, music video, album cover, magazine, whatever. It's all low level porn.

This is probably why young girls feel pressure to look and act a certain way.

It just looks and feels like a big regression in acceptable attitudes.

At least when i was younger every girl wanted to be a Spice girl and they would kick your ass if you crossed the line.:D

That is sooo true - but the worse part of that is the age groups they target, now aimed as low as 7 year olds when you look at some of the clothes they have in shops - Mark you have all this to come with your 2 girls- I feel for parents (especially those of daughters ) today...:confused:
I also think society is getting "porned out" :eek::lol:. Look at the average youth TV, music video, album cover, magazine, whatever. It's all low level porn.

Is this a particularly new thing? Were videos not sexually provocative in the days of your beloved Spice Girls? ;) How/where do you draw the line on what's an acceptable vid for MTV to screen during the day? Kids at some point will pick up on sex, unless you somehow take sexual connotations out of everything. I remember having a laugh at George Michael's 'I Want Your Sex' at a young age and that was back in the 80s. As human beings we're designed to be 'switched on' by sex, otherwise we'd die out. It's pushed at us because we're interested.

Just some general thoughts:!:
Is this actually inequality though? Is this not just how society is? This classed as sexism is not strictly true in my opinion, it is just comparing views of an older generation with another ideology of the younger generation, very subjective.

I do feel though how everything is sexualisation of many things is pretty terrible. Which has a knock on effect to the changing views of the young.

I'm not classifying this phenomena as sexism as such, but the resulting attitudes which can develop are sexist, whereby the female role is seen to be subordiante to the male role.

"it is just comparing views of an older generation with another ideology of the younger generation, very subjective"

Apply this stance to any argument and no opinion will ever be credible. Sorry but I don't believe that basic understanding of what is right and wrong can change so dramatically in the space of a generation.
That is sooo true - but the worse part of that is the age groups they target, now aimed as low as 7 year olds when you look at some of the clothes they have in shops - Mark you have all this to come with your 2 girls- I feel for parents (especially those of daughters ) today...:confused:

Yup, which is probably why i have such strong views on this! Keeps me awake! :lol::lol:
Is this a particularly new thing? Were videos not sexually provocative in the days of your beloved Spice Girls? ;) How/where do you draw the line on what's an acceptable vid for MTV to screen during the day? Kids at some point will pick up on sex, unless you somehow take sexual connotations out of everything. I remember having a laugh at George Michael's 'I Want Your Sex' at a young age and that was back in the 80s. As human beings we're designed to be 'switched on' by sex, otherwise we'd die out. It's pushed at us because we're interested.

Just some general thoughts:!:

The scandal of Madonna and George Michael and Frankie goes to Hollywood videos just wouldn't happen today.

We're too immune and numb to the pornification!!!
Apply this stance to any argument and no opinion will ever be credible. Sorry but I don't believe that basic understanding of what is right and wrong can change so dramatically in the space of a generation.

Getting very philosophical here but what right and wrong is (in terms of culture and morals) is only an opinion of the majority so one day when we get out numbered by the young (bearing in mind that the 'young generation culture' remains the same) we will be the ones that are wrong. So what is really right or wrong.

Unless you are religious of course, then GOD is only correct.

Yours Sincerely,

The Devil's advocate