Are women really under any more pressure than men?

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Inspired by the fact that it's International Women's Day...

I can appreciate women in some parts of the world face a massive struggle for equality, access to abortion, etc, but do women in the UK really have it more difficult than men? (I'm on the verge of parting ways with The Guardian due to the amount of extreme feminist views, demonisation of men, etc they publish. :lol:)
Yes - because of the persecution that still happens in our so called 'developed' society.

No - because they're generally more culturally balanced. i.e. - they find it easier to embrace the masculine and feminine within.

Generally it's frowned upon for blokes to honour this part of themselves (because Christians would tell you being feminine is degrading). This is a massive stresser.
Yeah, I'd say they are. We're all getting older but men are body facists and women are not, so for the hetrosexual majority, women get the worse end of that, plus they have less time to create children so that's a pressure if you want them. And then there's all that hormonal business! No thanks.

Happy International Woman's day! They have more stress than men all over the world.

Its not completely true. I'm on my day off today and when I've done the shopping, ironing, mowed the lawn, fixed the jetwash, collected the children from school, made dinner I will try and compose a longer relpy!!!!!!!!
Female empowerment is a world wide trend at the moment...dont think there is any conspiracy in it. More to do with marketing and the fact that the fairer sex tend to shop and spend more.

Its a fact of life that women always have it harder than men..... its on page 1 of the guide to being a woman. :)
No - because they're generally more culturally balanced. i.e. - they find it easier to embrace the masculine and feminine within.


You mean I have to be the breadwinner and cry when an animal dies? Sooooo stressful!:lol:
Robder - in what ways do you think women are persecuted in the UK?

A lot of the stuff women complain about (e.g. pressure on body image/looks) I'd argue applies equally to men.
Never, ever, say that its easy to understand a woman.....the worlds most complicated organism.
It's more deeply ingrained in our society than you think.

We were just talking about it the other day... re: proposals.

Career women earn less.
Women are encouraged to be culturally submissive in relationships.
Watch any R&B video - I can't see much female empowerment fact the entire hip hop industry is retrograde.
It's even in our language. The origins of the word Evil come from Eve-il.

I could go on.

(and I'm not talking about women per se - female empowerment is just as relevant for men.)
Yeah, I'd say they are. We're all getting older but men are body facists and women are not,

You think women don't judge men on their looks/body/dick size/wallet? :eek: I'd actually argue women have the upper hand in the mating game, at least until baby comes along. Women doll themselves up not to get a man, but to get a better class of man.
Yeah, I'd say they are. We're all getting older but men are body facists and women are not, so for the hetrosexual majority, women get the worse end of that, plus they have less time to create children so that's a pressure if you want them. And then there's all that hormonal business! No thanks.


Is this a discussion on a societal business or just a product of biological variation?

Is this 'pressure' not created by women in terms of image and their requirement of 'equal' jobs. Just to add there is no problem of women in the work place before anyone gets on their high horse
You think women don't judge men on their looks/body/dick size/wallet? :eek: I'd actually argue women have the upper hand in the mating game, at least until baby comes along. Women doll themselves up not to get a man, but to get a better class of man.

Sorry if this offends you but i think you have a very immature perception as to what equality is.

I don't think "having the upper hand in the dating game" is the type of equality most women have in mind :rolleyes:

"You think women don't judge men on their looks/body/dick size/wallet?"

Of course they do, so what? What's your point?

So women should be grateful for every tiny dicked, ugly, fat poor bastard who tries their luck? :eek:

I think most women would view equality as access to opportunities, earnings potential, the right to feel safe and generally not being viewed as vaccuous or a sex object as a matter of course.

Because i think our society's attitude towards women is getting worse not better, and not in a jokey, cliched way. But in quite a nasty way.
Sorry if this offends you but i think you have a very immature perception as to what equality is.

I don't think "having the upper hand in the dating game" is the type of equality most women have in mind :rolleyes:

"You think women don't judge men on their looks/body/dick size/wallet?"

Of course they do, so what? What's your point?.

That was written in response to Buckley's "men are body facists and women are not". I don't think there's any more pressure on women to look good than there is men to look good these days, yet feminists argue as if the pressure solely applies to women. I'll put my hand up and say part of the reason I now do 6 hours of weights a week is because I think a better body might make me more attractive to women.

If I was to write the reverse of "So women should be grateful for every tiny dicked, ugly, fat poor bastard who tries their luck?" I'd expect Julie Bindel round my house with a pair of garden shears. ;)

I think most women would view equality as access to opportunities, earnings potential, the right to feel safe and generally not being viewed as vaccuous or a sex object as a matter of course.

Young women now earn more than young men. Issues with reaching earning potential surely have something to do with career breaks around family, of which there is a certain 'have cake and eat it' attitude. I'm sure there are many childless men and women who see having children as a personal choice and would agree that there's only so much wider society should do to accomodate other people's choices. (And I'm quite open-minded about family arrangements after having kids - one of my mates is a 'house husband'.)

Feeling safe? As a man out at night, you're more likely to be attacked than a woman is. Surely this is another 'human' issue, not a feminist one?

And don't get me started on the prevailing feminist attitude towards porn, which would actually deny other female's rights to do certain work. Men are capable of switching from enjoying the female form to seeing women as rounded human beings. Where's the evidence that men see women as 'vaccuous or a sex object as a matter of course'? Again, women do just as much ogling/objectifying of the male body. The Diet Coke man isn't famous for his brains. A lot of feminists actually come across as a bunch of uptight prudes in the controls they want to have over sex, etc, ironically not that different from the old patriarchy/religions they despise!
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That was written in response to Buckley's "men are body facists and women are not". I don't think there's any more pressure on women to look good than there is men to look good these days, yet feminists argue as if the pressure solely applies to women. I'll put my hand up and say part of the reason I now do 6 hours of weights a week is because I think a better body might make me more attractive to women.

If I was to write the reverse of "So women should be grateful for every tiny dicked, ugly, fat poor bastard who tries their luck?" I'd expect Julie Bindel round my house with a pair of garden shears. ;)

Young women now earn more than young men. Issues with reaching earning potential surely have something to do with career breaks around family, of which there is a certain 'have cake and eat it' attitude. I'm sure there are many childless men and women who see having children as a personal choice and would agree that there's only so much wider society should do to accomodate other people's choices. (And I'm quite open-minded about family arrangements after having kids - one of my mates is a 'house husband'.)

Feeling safe? As a man out at night, you're more likely to be attacked than a woman is. Surely this is another 'human' issue, not a feminist one?

And don't get me started on the prevailing feminist attitude towards porn, which would actually deny other female's rights to do certain work. Men are capable of switching from enjoying the female form to seeing women as rounded human beings. Where's the evidence that men see women as 'vaccuous or a sex object as a matter of course'? Again, women do just as much ogling/objectifying of the male body. The Diet Coke man isn't famous for his brains. A lot of feminists actually come across as a bunch of uptight prudes in the controls they want to have over sex, etc, ironically not that different from the old patriarchy/religions they despise!

Enough Mars/Venus rhetoric. It's outdated and yawnsome.