anyone have predictions for the euro??


Active Member
Just wondered if anyone knew when the euro might start to go up a bit. Only 6 months ago - £100 would give you €145, now its only giving you maybe €110

Just hoping so that when i come to book my hols - the room rate is even better - and leaves cash for the vodka duty free :-)8)8)8)
I wouldn't have thought that a forum with a high percentage of pill popping party goers was the best place to ask for financial information. This was exactly what Gordon Brown did and look where that has left us all. :lol:
I wouldn't have thought that a forum with a high percentage of pill popping party goers was the best place to ask for financial information. This was exactly what Gordon Brown did and look where that has left us all. :lol:

thats a bit of a generalised statement, maybes it should be aimed at the clubbing open chat forum!!:lol:

My personal opinion is that it might climb slightly, ive noticed over the last month or so it going up from 1.07 to 1.09 where i work, dont bank on it getting back to the dizzy heights of 1.50 to the pound for a long time. You should book now or you may suffer dissapointment and not be able to book if you leave it too long
there's no doubt the pound is undervalued a little at the moment against the euro, but the 1:1 parity was tested around christmas and it's clear it won't be going down past there, probably never.

that said, with practically no reason to invest in the GBP with bottom line interest rates, it ain't going be up much anytime soon.

it'll stay around the same mark over the whole summer i reckon.
I think it'll lurk around the 1.10 upwards for the rest of this year with the highest being about 1.15 possibly.

Where did you get 1.45 to the pound 6 months ago??? Cos out here it's not been that for about a year and a half!!!!
hi there - to be fair when i put 6 months ago, on reflection now its a little longer than that. i bought euros in June 2008 ( 11 months ago ) - so not exactly 6 months now i think about it :-)

and the exchange rate was £1 - €1.42

I know i am clutching at straws wanting the exchange rate to increase, but cant blame a girl for wanting to save those €30, so she can use it for her highly crucial smirnoff duty free fund :lol:
Would agree with Gregos view that the £ is undervalued.

In my opinion the euro is overvalued and bloated with debt

We are in uncharted waters with regard to predicting financial matters. Who would have thought 2 years ago that the banks would collapse?

In my opinion ,Sterling will not drop any further against the euro. It will slowly climb.

If England invade any other countries over the next couple of years, expect sterling to rise again. The war machine is not just about the bloodshed, its big business also.
The Pound is still weak , but it has to be said that the Euro is over valued at the moment with only the member states keeping it at a false value. In time it will regain it's true value which should see the pound get a better return. The Pound was starting to strenghten recently but the Bank of England's descision to employ "quantitive easing" (printing more money) knocked it back a peg or two. The demand for the Euro in the UK during the Summer holiday period will go someway to stimulate the market and should help the Pound to rise slightly. Don't expect to see 1.45 to the pound I think the best we can hope for is about 1.15 to 1.2 sometime in the summer.

*takes his thinking head off, and puts his clubbing head back on*
Im a spread better and general financial guru.yes, i am too minted to believe. the euro will lose against £ for a bit to come (thats how we give advice) it was 1.07 when i went to france now its 1.13, i think we'll se 1.20 maybe 1.3--- answer is to leave it as long as poss till end july. Problem is germany is pulling the Eu down and gold and oil are still in US$ so the EU WILL RUN DOWN AS the markets go back to the $, BT take care markets are de to fall again after july poss sept (i think)
This rise is partially being driven by the demand for Euros as people get ready to go away at half term. If things stay as they are a similar rise should, but certainly no guarantees , occur prior to the main summer break. Believe it or not, it does work like that to a small degree.
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no i dont think it works like if i was to say buy 50 million would push the rate up.its works on how well the uk is doing and other places in the world.people at the moment are not investing in the uk.thats why the pound is weak to the euro.
Last night we ordered for a friend and got 1.10 to the pound. This afternoon I have done ours with the same company, I.C.E.Com and got 1.12 to the pound.
Usually it is a next-day delivery if ordered befor 3.30pm.
Last night we ordered for a friend and got 1.10 to the pound. This afternoon I have done ours with the same company, I.C.E.Com and got 1.12 to the pound.
Usually it is a next-day delivery if ordered befor 3.30pm.

1.126 at the cheque centre today, you can check on line and it compares the rate to other places too

I know people like to get their euros from the UK before they arrive, but you seriously will get more in Spain/Ibiza, and from a high street bank rather than an exchange shop/booth.

I got 1.15 today for a cheque with the CAM bank, ok cash i slightly less, but imo you will always get a better deal here (spain) than in the UK.

Anyone want to hazard at guess at what £1 will be worth in €'s in september?

As it is creeping up, I cant see it going much past 1.20, but in september who the f*** knows :?