Anyone else heard the rumour???

Maybe we should ban you from visiting any clubs over here mate, as you seem to have the kiss of death :lol:

The old Plastic People, Turnmills, End, Canvas, Key, Cross, Heaven, now Matter... even a couple of the smaller club-wannabe bars in Chelsea (and the old ChinaWhite :oops: :lol:)

So.... who wants to meet up at Fabric on my next visit? :lol:
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Please don't close Fabric John! :confused: :lol:

What's this scoop about the Ministry/Turnmills then? Is this a load of made up tripe or is it from a trustworthy source?
Because of the closing
the Cocoon party at Matter / London for June 19th
, but the old 90s superclub model is pretty much dead in the water. If you want that - you can still find it in Ibiza. London isn't Ibiza though...

To be fair though there werent that many of those in london anyway were there?

Turnmills, The End and The Cross were never superclubs in my eyes, I'm guessing they all held sub 1,000 capacity?? Could be wrong though.

There was only really Home which was a proper superclub I felt.

Then there were converted spaces like Bagleys..etc

Ministry must be loving this news.. and they must be more keen than ever to ensure they don't have to shut too.
15:55 - reports are confused - Ben Watt said it has gone under, Tim Sheridan says it's not true, others saying there have been some redundancies - official line at present is it WILL be open for business this weekend

all I know is it has been in administration before and lived to fight another day...

anyone else heard anything?
only thing i heard is probs the one that started it on the bedrock forum ie someone hasnt been paid and been told its because of whats happened to matter and that fabric is tied up in the finances / bankrupcy
15:55 - reports are confused - Ben Watt said it has gone under, Tim Sheridan says it's not true, others saying there have been some redundancies - official line at present is it WILL be open for business this weekend

all I know is it has been in administration before and lived to fight another day...

anyone else heard anything?

I heard that Fabric PLC was guarantor on the load to start Matter so thats where the rumour comes from. There have been some redundancies at Fabric to make room for some of the matter staff apparently.
Well me old dj buddy Kanio has said its not closing and his WYS Podcast will be going out


Fabric nightclub going down?

Filed Under: Uncategorized by Ivan Cardoso — 1 Comment
28 28UTC May 28UTC 2010

Here’s the official statement from fabric that’s just been released: “The directors of fabric are currently dealing with financial problems due to the result of the Jubilee Line closures at matter. Consequentially, matter will definitely remain closed throughout summer.
However, fabric will very much remain open as normal, business as usual.”
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There is an advert for the club for sale in tonights Evening Standard.......

"Iconic Nightclub Leasehold for Sale"
Turnover 7 million per year:eek:

Call 020 7344 4500 if you are interested