Annual January detox / diet wild claims thread 2012

I think limiting drink to weekends is okay. No idea why anyone would go a whole month without, unless they're trying to punish themself or prove something. :lol:
I was doing well until today, joined a gym in december so I wasnt a 2012 resolutioner so to speak, doing a 3 day split on weights plus cardio and feel a change already in body and energy levels but been off work due to there not being any so decided to have a few hours on the decks today and found some left over beer from x mas in the garage earlier so beer + decks = very loud music :spank: Not too bothered though shall be back in gym on sat we all need a bit of badness here and there as long as its not overindulgence.
Managed to brave it and step on the scales today.

Lost 6lb since the 5th on a regime of healthy eating, no alcohol & frequent cycling.

Fecking hungry though!

Not touched a drop in 2012, running 20+ miles per week, just been on the scales which tell me I am at my heaviest ever:eek::lol: