Annual January detox / diet wild claims thread 2012

I've been monitoring my weight/body fat since April and taken up dumbbells since October (3 * 1.5 - 2 hr sessions a week). I'm maybe 4kg from where I want to be (half of that put on over Xmas) and want to lose the last of the belly/put on more muscle. After next Saturday's weigh in I expect to start dropping weight again (as the Xmas food will be gone and I'll be back at work, unable to drink from lunch time!).

Since doing the weights, the urge to do drugs other than booze and (maybe) mandy on the occasional club night has disappeared and I feel a little more confident and better able to deal with life. Dopamine stimulants (meph, cocaine, etc) are seductive but really can mess with your mental health.

Quite a few subtle changes in my life in the past 6 months or so due to Buddhism, weights and talking to a mate who's going through psychotherapy. Hopefully, next year will see more changes and more physical activity!

Great plan JV. You're bang on with the dopamine stimulants messing with mental health. Imho, strength and confidence come from inside, don't need chemical feeding (that's something for fun if you're in balance and still want it) .. and it sounds like you're bang on the right track for getting on the road to a really good place. Best of luck with the quest !
good man i think thats some much needed positivity that we all need well done and keep at it , all the best
After tonight i'm off the booze until March when i go to Australia for a month. It's partially health and weight reasons and also the fact i could probably save a load of money that i could enjoy while i'm there
started the year well by selling our rowing machine on ebay!

I have added a few quid to the bank whilst helping somebody else get rid of moobs and lovehandles so feel my Karma is pretty good....time for a beer
started the year well by selling our rowing machine on ebay!

I have added a few quid to the bank whilst helping somebody else get rid of moobs and lovehandles so feel my Karma is pretty good....time for a beer

well done good karma on your way for sure8)
Zero liquor / junk food until end of feb, trying to get fit enough to run a half marathon, feel as though I couldn't run half a mile today after the week plus of total junk.

Good luck all, however long your intended abstinence :D
i'm doing this... purely for weight & health reasons...

however, post jan... will try & keep week night boozing to a min & keep up with exercise.

put on too much weight over the last 6 months... nights out are generally sh*t if you think you look like a fat mess.
Will be available to contribute by Mon... Still paying penance from new year & Nov/Dec excesses. Def too early to be smug.

Unfortunately my January detox / diet is just NOT gonna happen! Out every night this week for friends drinks, my birthday, my leaving party. Then hext week probably more dinners / nights out before I fly to Mexico on 18th Jan!! I'm hoping the sun / heat / trekking might get me a bit trimmer? (More likely to indulge in too many burritos / Sol's though!)
If anyone is serious about their health & fitness goals, I am a personal trainer - currently offer my services around the Croydon area :p
yep over a week now and feeling good. another 1,2 or even 3 more weeks doesnt seem so bad now but lets not get ahead of ourselves. have lost some xmas weight too , so far so good...
Been eating well , no booze and hitting gym / running.
Bodyfat has gone down 5% which im really pleased with but my weight hasnt changed much which is annoying. i do def feel slimmer than at xmas/new year. I know muscle mass weighs more than fat but i havnt been lifting heavy weights or anything :(
No alcohol for a week now and healthy eating regime of barbecued chicken & fish full swing.

Riding the circuit of our development is 10k, times coming down nicely.

Mine is going good! :)

Gym 4 times a week, eating chicken/fish/veg/salad etc & drinking 3 litres of water a day.

Only want to lose 1 & a half stone.
First week I pretty much broke any plans of my Jan detox. Back on it now though, training is going well. I'm not cutting drink, just going to limit it to a few pints once a week.