Annual January detox / diet wild claims thread 2012


Well-Known Member
Right who else is gona make some wild claims of no drinking and serious dieting for january?
Ive surpassed myself in eating this year and can visibly see the weight ive put on.
After NYD session im gona be off the booze untill a mates 30th birthday at the end of jan so not quite the whole month but tstill the longest i will have done for years.
Also strict diet and gym sessions. Gona weigh / bodyfat calc myself before and after so theres no hiding!
Anyone else??
Last year i said i'd be going to the gym a good few times a week as a resolution and I stuck to that plus managed to go a few times over the festive period too to get rid of the stupid amount of booze consumed so far.

My aim for the new year will be to try and stay booze free for the first few months....never done it before but willing to give it a go, I'm sure sober nights out aren't that bad...:eek:
met up with an old mate and found out he's fully off everything , been going to lots of AA meetings etc. he's coming round mine for nye so will see in the new year mostly sober which is a start before undoing it all on nyd for the last session
I'm giving up alcohol for good...just finishing reading an amazing book which has made me see the light!!
I'm giving up alcohol for good...just finishing reading an amazing book which has made me see the light!!

So "Mine's not a Guiness" then ?

Nowt wrong with a bit of alcohol - now and again and in moderation :)?).....
Right who else is gona make some wild claims of no drinking and serious dieting for january?
Ive surpassed myself in eating this year and can visibly see the weight ive put on.
After NYD session im gona be off the booze untill a mates 30th birthday at the end of jan so not quite the whole month but tstill the longest i will have done for years.
Also strict diet and gym sessions. Gona weigh / bodyfat calc myself before and after so theres no hiding!
Anyone else??

Why would you give up for 1 month and then start again, surely by wanting to give up that badly you must not want to drink at all? Ever?

You will see the huge benefits of doing it for a month as I have done in the past - clarity of thinking, healthier weight, brighter eyes, quicker thinking, more energy, more compliments from people, pride from family and friends the list goes on. It REALLY does... so why would you resort to going back to the hangovers, poor health, guilt for acting stupid or agressive etc afterwards.

The key is changing your thinking from not 'giving something up that you want' but understanding and believing that 'you don't want it at all'....then you don't need willpower to give up! you are not giving anything up this way!

Wouldn't it be good to be free from the poison completely?

Unless I'm on holiday/clubbing and fancy a bit of a session, which is usually net positive health-wise due loads of exercise/dancing, I don't drink casually in non-dancing pubs/bars much at all and hardly ever at home now. Actually, most of the time I don't fancy it but enjoy it when I do.

Have drunk a bottle a day in the past but have absolutely no desire to go back there. Drinking the odd few now and again fortunately doesn't trigger the one-armed bandit urges any more - I know when I've had enough and drink water after that nowadays (which usually flushes the system sufficiently to avoid any hangover next morning).

Guess everyone's different ? like any indulgence though, if it starts becoming an issue to manage out for you it's probably best avoided in the first place ?
Unless I'm on holiday/clubbing and fancy a bit of a session, which is usually net positive health-wise due loads of exercise/dancing, I don't drink casually in non-dancing pubs/bars much at all and hardly ever at home now. Actually, most of the time I don't fancy it but enjoy it when I do.

Have drunk a bottle a day in the past but have absolutely no desire to go back there. Drinking the odd few now and again fortunately doesn't trigger the one-armed bandit urges any more - I know when I've had enough and drink water after that nowadays (which usually flushes the system sufficiently to avoid any hangover next morning).

Guess everyone's different ? like any indulgence though, if it starts becoming an issue to manage out for you it's probably best avoided in the first place ?

Fair play to you! The ideal place to be by the sounds of it - just that for me one tends to turn into too many..not that I do it often, but just find it hard to stop. Cue blackouts, embarrassment, guilt, hangover from hell.

Time to do something about it!
Why would you give up for 1 month and then start again, surely by wanting to give up that badly you must not want to drink at all? Ever?

Cue blackouts, embarrassment, guilt, hangover from hell

Everyones different and has different reasons. Mine is mainly for weight loss / body shape . Im certainly not at a point where im looking towards not drinking at all. Its something I choose to do and something I can choose to not do for a while too
Everyones different and has different reasons. Mine is mainly for weight loss / body shape . Im certainly not at a point where im looking towards not drinking at all. Its something I choose to do and something I can choose to not do for a while too

Nice one, whatever works mate. Although you did say in your opening post that you haven't gone without a drink for (not quite) a month in years...

that doesn't sound to me like it's something you choose to do or not..
I went "dry" from the enf of April through to the end of September, then fell off the wagon (on to a boat party).

Although back to the occasional beer / vodka, I definitely felt better without the grog but do enjoy a drink every now and then.

Plan for 2012 is to keep off it for as long as possible (again) and see how it goes...
I went "dry" from the enf of April through to the end of September, then fell off the wagon (on to a boat party).

Although back to the occasional beer / vodka, I definitely felt better without the grog but do enjoy a drink every now and then.

Plan for 2012 is to keep off it for as long as possible (again) and see how it goes...

Good luck with that mate! If you can do 4 months, you can do it for good by the sounds of it..
It defo makes a difference i'm three months into a self imposed 6 month booze ban and have been working out regularly too and feel fantastic for it .
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I have had issues with beer in my life. Working in pubs didnt help though. Ended up on 12-16 cans of fosters a night! Still drink too much when I do and have done far more cocain this year then I wanted to. I just enjoy the buzz.....a lot :D I have calmed down on all fronts of fags booze and drugs since october though and joined a gym 2 weeks ago which I was enjoying until it messed the opening hours up for xmas. Going to atomic jam in jan and wont be drinking after sat until then and working out in the gym. Got 2.5 stone before Ibiza in June and I wont do it by getting trollied and eating crap.
Nice one, whatever works mate. Although you did say in your opening post that you haven't gone without a drink for (not quite) a month in years...

that doesn't sound to me like it's something you choose to do or not..

i see what your saying but to be honest , i like drinking. if it didnt make me fat i'd probs do it more! at normal times of the year i dont really have anything during the week , its during clubbing exploits at the weekend that i mainly do it
lets try focus on the positives of trying to be abit healthier for a period of time rather on the negatives of not doing it for longer
I gave up for four months at the start of this year, and the amount of weight I lost with regular gym exercise was fantastic.

Not giving up alcohol at the start of next year, but intend to get properly back in to the gym, haven't been so much since Ibiza. Averaging out maybe once a week. Think this time the aim is more to tone up rather than lose weight.
planning on finishing the rehab on my knee, and get back on my bike all during the winter. That is the plan but with the cold weather who know.
I've been monitoring my weight/body fat since April and taken up dumbbells since October (3 * 1.5 - 2 hr sessions a week). I'm maybe 4kg from where I want to be (half of that put on over Xmas) and want to lose the last of the belly/put on more muscle. After next Saturday's weigh in I expect to start dropping weight again (as the Xmas food will be gone and I'll be back at work, unable to drink from lunch time!).

Since doing the weights, the urge to do drugs other than booze and (maybe) mandy on the occasional club night has disappeared and I feel a little more confident and better able to deal with life. Dopamine stimulants (meph, cocaine, etc) are seductive but really can mess with your mental health.

Quite a few subtle changes in my life in the past 6 months or so due to Buddhism, weights and talking to a mate who's going through psychotherapy. Hopefully, next year will see more changes and more physical activity!
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