Active Member
What sort of time does the car park shut at Space for closing? I would like to get there early enough for that
At one point I was debating +1 pre-Space Closing, but mooted that idea since we'd have to leave just as Solly was warming up!
Slightly off dates but can anyone spread any light on how busy cocoon closing will be ? I normally go to the final big 3 closing party's but will be going earlier this year . Also the same question for solomun at pacha on the 27th and dc10 just before cocoon . Would be nice to experience them not too busy but at the same time not too quiet .
when do the closing party line ups usually drop Stivi?
I'd say around start of september.
Good to hearall of those are normally perfectly busy and not super packed. dc10 definitely miles more comfy than the week after for its closing
any idea when the line up will released Stivi?
What about tickets? Its 100 % sure i can get tickets at the doors? Space,Amnesia,Dc 10 closing ?