Amnesia closing party 2015 ?

Who will play in the terrace and in the main room?

Terrace: caal, luca donzelli, cuartero b2b hector couto, pan-pot, mar-t, tale of us, capriati, maceo plex, martinez brothers.

Main: less schmitz, renato ratier, melanie ribbe, mk, gorgon city, reboot, popof.

What is your opinion?
Has it been confirmed Cuartero & Hector Couto are playing B2B??? Was looking forward to seeing Cuartero. Less so, now.

I assume that the commercial acts will play earlier in the event?
:eek: o_O

"authorities" say AMNESIA-closingpartyhas to finish at 6am !!!

Sant Antoni denies nightclub expanding its schedule for the closing party
The corporation has denied this exceptional permission for repeated breaches of the time of this establishment

Sant Antoni has denied Amnesia special permission that had requested to extend their hours beyond six o'clock, as confirmed by the City Council.

The corporation has denied this permission, usually granted for the holidays closing exceptionally, for repeated breaches of the time of this club, which has been denounced by the local police at least three times in less than a week.

The clubs must close at six o'clock in the town of Sant Antoni, but in the l
ast week Amnesia has come to close at noon on three occasions in the last week.

Four establishments, counting Amnesia, have requested this special permission
to close later this weekend.
Two of them have been granted,
while two others have been denied, the City reported.

which one is the other club not allowed to stay open longer ??
sanan gets tough on illegal activities !!!

The Consell wants to tighten the sanctions to end the "chaos and abuse"

The Consell has shown today sharply with the "absolute chaos and abuse," as indicated by the vice president Viviana Sans, and has indicated that it should go for "tougher sanctions".

These statements made by Sans and the Councillor Pepa Marí come in the wake of the fine imposed by Costas organizing Heinneken s'Estanyol party, which according to conselleres is "another example of them is happening on this island and you have to set limits.
Viviana Sans and Pepa Marí, during the press conference."It is clear that you can do certain private activities in public spaces: they must be properly and will be very restricted jusitificadas without past pemitir thread as that which took place in s'Estanyol, which was intolerable," stated Sans.

The Vice President explained that although they had not authorized, permission was given to many requirements "but then becomes more than allowed muhísimo".Mari, meanwhile, has indicated that the problem is that sanctions are not enough "and is giving a message here can do anything at all levels".
"It has lacked control and regulation and has caused an overflow. It must be said enough, so far. "Therefore, they have pointed out that this lack of control is one of the topics to be discussed at the next Consell d'Mayors in order to "unite all administrations and go down the same road" so we can "standardize criteria".

For Sans and Mari is essential to end this feeling "impunity"
"We want a change, a change that society asks us," stressed Marí, who believes that you can not authorize activities that have a bad impact on natural areas or those that disturb tourists and residents.
"We have to live each and it's time to regain control. Not prohibit all but set limits, complied with and enforced, "he insisted."It's not about saying no to everything but understand that when it is said to be no, no.
We must get serious and take action as appropriate "; Sans noted.

Mari is necessary that the penalties imposed are "proportionate and offset" the damage is done and, as indicated, is neither provided nor appropriate for a club like Amnesia continue conducting its activity despite repeated failures in a week.

DC10 having no disco licence !?!
("... El DC-10, por su parte, al no tener licencia de discoteca
ni ha pedido esa autorización

Sant Antoni denies special permission to Amnesia for 'closing' after repeated breaches

Sant Antoni City Council denied two special entertainment schedule that provides for the opening and closing parties.

These denials are due,
- in one case because the capacity is less than 1,500 people,
- and the other for "repeated violations", as pointing from the Consistory.

The latter case corresponds to Amnesia, which has been fined on several occasions throughout this week for breaking its closing time.

On the opposite side, Sant Antoni has given itself this 'special' permission to two entertainment.
This permit allows the establishment, should be licensed disco, to close its doors at twelve noon rather than at six o'clock.

Thus, over this weekend they will occur a cascade of closures.
Yesterday, Friday took place the closing of Privilege, with Supermartxé party, Saturday will the Ushuaia and Amnesia, while Sunday morning will be the closing day of Space. As usual, on Monday it will close the DC-10.

Sant Josep, for his part, Councillor Paquita Ribas stressed that this has only been granted 'special' permission to Space and Bora Bora.
The latter is located within the hotel establishment and Bora Bora is different,
even if they belong to the same complex ...

The DC-10, meanwhile, having no license or club has requested such authorization.

Besides these two authorizations, Ribas also highlighted that the law is established activities within the field of special activities, to hold an extraordinary activity.
In the case of Ushuaia and Space conditioning parking to make it dance. These two permits are allowed until two in the morning, if it is true, says the councilor, this permission "does not exempt owners meet noise regulations."

For this weekend, Ribas notes that all members of the local police will be operating and distributed in three shifts established. It has also dramatically marked the area of Platja d'en Bossa to indicate where parking is prohibited to expect that, once again, spend thousands.

Like I said earlier on the Cocoon thread, it was allready in the Dutch specialised Ibiza press that Amnesia would not get away with staying 3 times longer open this past week, and punishment would follow... so here it is: they have no permission to stay open longer than 06.00 H for El Cierre...!

They are really destroying Ibiza...: when I was there in September for 2,5 weeks Beachhouse was shutdown during Guy Gerber and the 3 following parties where cancelled, also Luciano at Destino was cancelled then... this was my worst Ibiza period in 18 years! :mad::(:evil:
as there is no chance in hell that amnesia closes at 6am we'll probably be looking at 4 denuncias in a week! with the current attitude towards stronger penalties I'm really fearing a closure of amnesia for some time - and don't be so naive to think they will have to close from december to april, the authorities are not stupid.
amnesia still selling tickets like nothing has happened ... this will be interesting regarding whats happening 2morrow morning ...
at least great music right now at ush ... listening live at ibizasonica :cool:
so what would you think, if you had to guess?
would be horror to go there after ushuaia and it they close "early"...

well first of all let's see what time ushuaïa is going on until tonight!

but yeah, if I had to guess...I doubt they'll close at 6am (respectively 7am as per 'empty venue' rule), I just can't see that happening. but maybe they don't take it until 5/6pm this year as they did in the last years? who knows, I'm really not sure. but we'll find out soon anyway.
why should they stop selling tickets? it's not like their party has been cancelled.
it´s not about stopping to sell tickets ... but about giving information (or not) to their clients whether it´s all over sunday morning 6/7am ...