America has gone crazy


Active Member
In NYC there is a proposed use of an old building to create an Islamic center. In America there is freedom of religion. The sight is not a mosque and is not right on top of the world trade center. The hatred that has come from protest is shocking. IMO you can say terrorist was at fault for 9-11 but you can not condemn a whole religion.:spank: I will add to this that I serve in the US military and my job is to support and defend the US constitution, so I'm not a liberal wuss.:evil::evil:
I agree with what you are saying but who in their right mind would apply for planning permission beside Ground Zero? It's almost asking for controversy & trouble.
I could see the issue if the mosque was right on top of the smouldering wreckage, but it isn't. It's 2 blocks away.

Also, objecting to a new mosque being built is a bit like saying all Muslims are terrorists. Which they aren't.

Now, the arguement being used by those that are against it is that it's an insult to the dead ones relatives. Right, ok. Let's look at it from another angle;

I'm on holiday in New york and I was killed in the attack (many of the people killed did not live in Manhattan or even America, also many were muslim), do you think it woult affect my relatives if a Mosque was built there? No. But it would affect them if they built it with in 2 blocks from their house.

So People died from London - Sorry no Mosques in London.
People died from Glasgow - Sorry nope.
People died from Pakistan - Oh ****, this is gonna get bad.

It's a non issue and it's just kicking up a load of fuss because people associate the word Muslim with Terrorist.
It's 2 blocks away, at the site of a building that the organization (Cordoba) owns. A former low-rent department store.

Funny thing is, there's another mosque 2 blocks from there. It's been around since before the World Trade Center. No one's saying anything about that...

Funny line on the Daily Show a few days ago... playing devil's advocate, one of the correspondents said something like "it's like building a catholic church next to a children's playground" :lol:
You can't kill a culture by cleansing people from a city. They tried that with the Jews and the Gayers - didn't work on both counts.

It just creates more anger. Good one America. :rolleyes:

Though I share the general anger towards organised religion of every sort.

I'll stop here before I go on a tirade about Islam which won't be appropriate for this context. :oops:
Funny thing is, there's another mosque 2 blocks from there. It's been around since before the World Trade Center. No one's saying anything about that...

Thats my thinking on the issue.

I think the USA are using the issue as propaganda to bolster the very low morale levels of troops on the front line at present.
It just creates more anger. Good one America. :rolleyes:
Why 'good one'? Despite the vocal opposition, they've already received city planning commission permission.

The only downside is that the Republicans are using this issue to rile up their base. :evil:

In polls, while the majority of Americans oppose this Islamic community center (I'm sure many of them misinformed... if only by the common media term "ground zero mosque"), the majority of Americans also recognize that its builders are well within their Constitutional rights.

I'll stop here before I go on a tirade about Islam which won't be appropriate for this context. :oops:
That's kind of the point. While I think religion is generally bad, I don't begrudge anyone the right to find the comfort they need in it... (weaklings :lol:)
Funny line on the Daily Show a few days ago... playing devil's advocate, one of the correspondents said something like "it's like building a catholic church next to a children's playground" :lol:[/QUOTE]

LMAO johnny good one, I feel bad for laughing:oops::oops::eek:
morbs, you posted another daily show the other day but i missed it. not the catholic church next to school playground one, another one.

got the link?
I think those who are in opposition are missing the point.

By supporting the building of an Islamic centre close to ground zero, the yanks could do much to disprove the extremists' argument that they are anti-islamic.

But by opposing it's development so vehemently, it simply plays neatly into their anti western rhetoric.

They came for the jews I didn't say anything
They came for the muslim I didn't say anything
They came for the catholics I didn't say anything
They came for the gays I didn't say anything
Last night they came for me, and no one was left to say anything.

I forget who wrote this, but when you let people take away someones rights where does it stop?
convert or die is how most religions was spread. That being said terrorist and mad men use religion to justify their actions. History is written by the victor hence HIS Story.