Air-conditioned room or not?

tis time (early August) waz real oven! at nite +29C / so ...i thnk withouta a/c will b v v hard...Italians in my "ORLANZA-apptmts" never closed a door for better air-recycling..but for me E25 for a/c iz not the sum -> 2 drinks :-))

take a/c -> u r at hols! it haz to b comfortable!
I never had air con the past couple of years, had it this year- although I wouldnt say its a necessity, it is REALLY nice to open your door and get greeted by a breeze of cold air :)
but its also nice to sweat all the alcohol out during night, or morning...and the hangover isnt so auwful like at home,... 8) 8) 8)