After Parties

Looks like ToU, Dixon and Maceo went b2b2b at the Afterlife afters yesterday - I’m assuming this was a private villa one?

Private party? after party ? whatever as long it's free :D

afterlife afterparty
near Cova Santa?
can t confirm as i wasnt there but saw a video afternoon and at night ...i guess , my friend enjoyed it otherwise she wont post a video

Some other french was posting and add for private party in a villa with es vedra view, dont know if it was hotties targeted add :D

even Cathy Getta (got info through his bro publication as i dont really follow her )was at 2 private parties b4 ending to her party Black Coffee/Luciano
looks like there is another after beside pikes pyramid Ricardo;
wich one? i didnt ask as busy job this day, espcecially when Imove my desk, this morning, in the middle of other people :D & not alone as b4 :spank:

Friend just text me if i can put her on the list of this after party o_O, at office quiet hard to be aware of all info :lol:
she told me she saw my netherland mentor last week at an after party at villa Nassim, looks like he makes trips back n forth to ibz since june 18, hope to catch him in a few days :cool:
A party going on right now. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why some bars open in the morning and have *day manager's*..:lol: