the KKK took my baby away...
Seriously my friend french worker succeed to put herself at last moment on the list
i just spot the fb of the french african roots girl that hang with me Closing (met by chance comida san juan aug 17) & used to go to any afterparty(maceo after she was the one that rush to shuttle with other french, my worst day in ibz but
they are all forgiven), and send her & fb mess as her 2017 phone doesnt look to work, she is back to the island & its weird that she didnt bump on me as she used to do last year, heart pacha solomunb & so on
if i saw the darbuka drummer ill get in touch with him as ive already seen him in marina as there are not a lot of people having REmo darbukas as i have and he has too

The more u make contacts the more change u have to go to the afterparty
If u r a hot girl everything gonna come to u without anny effort
@McRackin check this band only real rock addict may have heard about it
I hear the call of private afterparties soon, baby!!