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there are some free parties in PDB Parking for those in...

I was invited tooa legendary private party. I think McRackin is invited too. party of the year no doubt.
Should have asked you at the airport Stivi for the details. Might have been able to sneak off from the family for a couple of hours.it‘s got nothing to do with spotlight really, just a private one which looks great.
PARTY OF THE YEAR.Will you do a little review after please?
Stivi what's you're plans Halloween??sometimes I have more important things to do.
and the best two parties of the year are still to come anyway
this sunday and then halloween
Stivi what's you're plans Halloween??
Be nice to put a face to the name ! Probably not the best night for it
I was really disappointed in bhs last year ,, but this year is going to be great ,, think positiverecovering for now but I do think I‘ll end up in BHS at some point!
Very bad what happened with the pension fundI was really disappointed in bhs last year ,, but this year is going to be great ,, think positive
Very bad what happened with the pension fund
Anyone to Black coffee after party or any in villa Inspiration?
this is some after party hard to be in..looks like a again a mafia as ive noticed a lot of italians in the meeting point ES Vedra cala de hort Parking
ive just noticed that u can fool people even not on the list as long u enter the shuttle such a big tip or anything else?i never try as not my kind to grease people
Playing drums there (beside beach bars) can be a good idea as small place, i dont have mics ..i ve done it at Pikes, some bloke hate it, i told him, yeah i can undestrand bro, u are on ur descending phase, easy with the biscuits, need more drugs?
Never liked afters in the U.K.