After Parties

found on instagram...
This the 1 near destino?
a contact asking me to send the position
i sent it saying its shuttle or taxi to get there & i knew only 2 meeting point
other worker mate asking if i knew someone that can put her on solomun after party, i answered No but she managed to get in
just see that claiming mate didnt put me on his list for afterlife afterparty(neither backtage list and wanted to sell it to me 40€ :mad:) & gave it to anotherone
not a big deal but with all thing ive done to sort him, location in puting him in contact with a mate, free rides & at the end no gueslist in an afterparty?adding he is reponsible of my worst day in ibz, monochrome afterparty..:rolleyes:

im a nice bloke but as fooling me, i guess it will cost many free 2018 afterparty guestlist if willing to meet me as we dont feuck the Pirate twice :lol:
Rayban wayfarer & stetson hat, my new look? when being an old fart in 20 years :D
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