A good (sustainable) life

So sad especially as the rich get richer.

Add to that the number of villas & luxury apartments being built on the island, yet the same water supply & shortage issues, meaning more water & power cuts (the power went off several times at Pikes on Thursday and we’ve had two big water cuts in Can Germa lately).
And it is not just the pool, think of the amount of water it takes to keep that huge grass green all summer long. Bet he never even uses it :/
A few tips on how to be a 'good tourist'. Sally Davies is an expert on these things. Well worth a follow
"Spain has excellent coffee on every block"?? 🤣 🤮

Maybe I am unlucky, but I had excellent coffee (not counting Nespresso in hotels) exactly once when in Spain. It was a tiny coffee shop in the north of Gran Canaria.

Also didn't know drinking sangria was a tourist crime.

But apart from me avoiding the awful Spanish coffee and drinking touristy sangria, it seems I am mostly a good tourist :cool:

Quite interesting that a good tourist is supposed to help tax evasion by paying cash :rolleyes: And later, the same people advocating paying cash will blame tourists for a shortage of public funds :rolleyes:
"Spain has excellent coffee on every block"?? 🤣 🤮

Maybe I am unlucky, but I had excellent coffee (not counting Nespresso in hotels) exactly once when in Spain. It was a tiny coffee shop in the north of Gran Canaria.

Also didn't know drinking sangria was a tourist crime.

But apart from me avoiding the awful Spanish coffee and drinking touristy sangria, it seems I am mostly a good tourist :cool:

Quite interesting that a good tourist is supposed to help tax evasion by paying cash :rolleyes: And later, the same people advocating paying cash will blame tourists for a shortage of public funds :rolleyes:

on the basis of your posts this year you sure spend a lot of time in a country you so visibly hate...

'water situation is dire for a lot of residents but if you're Messi you get a pass to have a massive 100 metre pool. We need a revolution against this corruption'

feckin brilliant! messi slaps a €50 k bill on vegetable future to clean up his house, they say all he needs is a pressure washer!

btw, the amount of water required to keep a pool that size (which would lose very little from evaporation) is much, much less than a karcher would use on his facade.
feckin brilliant! messi slaps a €50 k bill on vegetable future to clean up his house, they say all he needs is a pressure washer!

btw, the amount of water required to keep a pool that size (which would lose very little from evaporation) is much, much less than a karcher would use on his facade.

Burn the parasitical globetrotting rich I say. Team VF all the way.
on the basis of your posts this year you sure spend a lot of time in a country you so visibly hate...
Ibiza being my favorite island doesn't make Spain my favorite country :rolleyes: And "hate" is a very strong word. The fact that I don't love absolutely every aspect of Spain doesn't make me a hater.

Now I do dislike people who insist on eating the cake and on keeping it at the same time - like expecting cash payments so that they can evade taxes, but still demanding the tax-funded government to care for them. Or wanting to stay in the EU for its advantages, but to control who can and cannot come to their beloved island, or who can buy and rent property. Doesn't work this way, sorry. If you want to control what EU foreigners can and cannot do in your country, just get out of the EU.

If a Spanish tourist comes to Germany, insists on paying with a credit card, doesn't bother learning even a few words in German, complains about German food, complains about German coffee, complains about the lack of public toilets, complains about the homeless and the drug addicts and the smell of piss in big cities and the trains never being on time - I will not be offended. In fact I will likely agree with him on many points! So not sure why you seem so offended on behalf of your adopted fatherland...
summarised as

"I'm going to post cliched bullshit about your 'adopted' country but don't understand why you're getting offended"
Spent last week travelling in Andalucia and Valencia staying in some touristy areas but nowhere overrun or trashy. BCN and IBZ have so much to learn about managing numbers effectively and more socially beneficial marketing. The question is whether all Spanish cities will follow BCN's lead or whether they will avoid the same mistakes? It's interesting how Valencia just feels cleaner, less cynical and more relaxed. You're not harrassed the whole time. Very, very impressed.

*Sadly missed the tomatina afterparty

Love Valencia 😍 No beggars, no gypsies, no tourist scams, low crime, clean, plenty of great food, not overpriced, tourists are welcome. Been there 4 times already, it's a great destination for a weekend break in winter.

Not sure what they are doing differently. Maybe the people are just nicer.
It was certainly a big shock returning to Ibiza in early March, having been away for 4 months. The island looked more like it does in August.

Thankfully there has been more rain since but it seems like the weather pattern is changing here to dryer, warmer winters. Which isn't good for the island.