30 briefing please...


Active Member
Leaving my 20s behind on Monday...

Am I about to have a small epiphany?

...or is it all over rated and this 'best decade of your life' thing merely a defense act to stave off the inevitable?

I suspect the former.

Insights welcome.
Leaving my 20s behind on Monday...

Am I about to have a small epiphany?

...or is it all over rated and this 'best decade of your life' thing merely a defense act to stave off the inevitable?

I suspect the former.

Insights welcome.

1. hair thins receeds and comes out of your nostrils and ears instead.
2. sensible gene kicks in
3. you start looking at the youth of today and think "wasnt like that in my day"
4. fri/sat weekly clubbing combo becomes very hard work!
5. you'll start to draw on past experiences and make less impulsive decisions.

I came out of the traps a bit early and had my crisis at 27/28 Rob but essentially here's what you need.

1. Finish with your girlfriend of 7/8 years. Let the solicitors sort out how much you have to pay to get rid.

2. Buy a Mercedes.

3. Start clubbing more not less. Maybe become a promoter.

4. Pull a dolly bird ten years your junior. Preferably a model, hopefully slightly crazy.

Let me know how you get on:lol:
nice one robder, aquarians rule, dood :twisted: got mine on thursday

I found the last 6 months before 30 infinitely worse than the 6 months after - there's all this pointless, existential bull in your head about what you should be doing, regrets etc, but ultimately it is just a number.

once you clear the hurdle, then it's really no big deal and there's still enough 30+ (and 40+) out there refusing to grow up and turn into replicas of their parents

the main downer is that it gets increasingly hard to blag fake NUS cards n stuff
nice one robder, aquarians rule

Agreed. Strange breed though don't you think? :lol:

Very fickle and flighty and always tend to congratulate each other on our weirdness. :?

Yes, am doing the existential bit a lot at the mo. ;)

All good though (thank God) because home/work/love life are all in the right place. *phew*
Leaving my 20s behind on Monday...

Am I about to have a small epiphany?

...or is it all over rated and this 'best decade of your life' thing merely a defense act to stave off the inevitable?

I suspect the former.

Insights welcome.

"Inevitable" what ??? Death ???

I am a woman and am into my 40s, so not sure if it is relevant to you :) However, I have loved the last few years more than ever. I let go of alot of preconceptions during my early 30s and learned alot about what I wanted from life. It's all good... At the end of the day, it's just a number.

Have fun and happy birthday. Aquarians are cool, I married one...
Gosh - major changes may be afoot then huh? 8O

Not sure I'd know what to do with one of those but experience is everything I guess. :lol:

I bet you're a right charmer with the ladyeez :lol:. Perhaps PM wayneuk18 for some additional ammo?
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I remember when i was 18 and thinking ahead to how old i'd be in the year 2000 and thinking "I'll be 26 by then! I'll be married with loads of kids and i'll be no fun at all".

Inevitably the year 2000 rolled around and i would have put my 18 year old self to shame with my shenanigans!

I'm 35 in April (the 19th if any of you want to put it in your diary :lol:) and I remember when i turned 30 and the whole "is the excitement gone now??" thing. Nonsense.

I wouldn't want to be 25 or 30 now anymore than i would have wanted to be 18 or 21 when i was 25. Life's all about the journey!!

And when i asked my Great uncle Joe (98 Years Old)on Xmas Day what he was doing for New Year, he said: "I'm taking it easy this year, because last year I had too much to drink and i woke up with my trousers on inside out".
And when i asked my Great uncle Joe (98 Years Old)on Xmas Day what he was doing for New Year, he said: "I'm taking it easy this year, because last year I had too much to drink and i woke up with my trousers on inside out".


Hi Mark, congrats on the pregnancy ;)

Yeah, 30's are definately the best years (so far anyhow :?)

No way would i wanna be 20 somat again. Nah!

Hi Mark, congrats on the pregnancy ;)

Yeah, 30's are definately the best years (so far anyhow :?)

No way would i wanna be 20 somat again. Nah!

Cheers Drew! Nice of you to pop in for a visit!

I agree 20s were great, but my 30s are definately better!
The 30s aren't all that exciting.

- I can feel my stamina slipping away.
- My knees can only take so much
- My hairline is receding... and there is the occasional gray
- Time is fast running out to live out my dream of becoming a rock star
- There's pressure to have kids soon (I realized I was 10 when my dad was the age I am now)
- A tinge of jealousy when you see people who are younger achieve much more (was talking with someone today about how the top economic adviser to the Russian president is 5 days younger than me. Top economics guy in the country! I'm just a lowly flak :()
- 40 looms like a guillotine.

I could go one. I'm in that kind of mood :lol:

Upside is, you do get taken a little more seriously. And you pay less for car insurance.

I'll be 37 in 7 wks :?
- A tinge of jealousy when you see people who are younger achieve much more (was talking with someone today about how the top economic adviser to the Russian president is 5 days younger than me. Top economics guy in the country! I'm just a lowly flak :()

but johnny, you've appeared on UK TV! PRIME TIME! :lol: