3 stabbed at SHM gig

It is the culture that they are partly to blame for being better, richer, VIP and with wanting and needing to be better than the next person you get aggression and other negative emotions.

Like I said, I was there, and I would hazard a guess that 95% were caked in mud, wearing the oldest, ****test clothes they could find in their wardrobe. They were smiling, dancing, hugging, rolling around on the floor together. Nowt aspirational or "better than the next man" about that at all.

Yes, there was a VIP area. As there are in most festival nowadays. But, for the most part, this was people coming together from different places around the country and enjoying the music.

Stop being such a facist, and believing that just because something has peaked and broken into the popular culture mainstream, that it must be inherently bad.

Nobody is asking you to like it. But you could at least afford the people that do the common curtesy of not lumping them into the same hat.
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You will find people looking for trouble no matter what is coming out of the loud speakers. It is the people to be blamed not the music.
Anyone noticed the violence has escalated at the same rate as the vest phenomenon?

Not a coincidence I think.
Like I said, I was there, and I would hazard a guess that 95% were caked in mud, wearing the oldest, ****test clothes they could find in their wardrobe. They were smiling, dancing, hugging, rolling around on the floor together. Nowt aspirational or "better than the next man" about that at all.

Yes, there was a VIP area. As there are in most festival nowadays. But, for the most part, this was people coming together from different places around the country and enjoying the music.

Stop being such a facist, and believing that just because something has peaked and broken into the popular culture mainstream, that it must be inherently bad.

Nobody is asking you to like it. But you could at least afford the people that do the common curtesy of not lumping them into the same hat.

Calm down babes I'm no facist and I don't label people all the same if you read my whole post you will see that I've said certain types of music attract a minority of people who enjoy violence and this is usually because the culture that goes with it sometimes attracts d1ck heads. I couldnt care less what people or what you like or where youve been everyone has their iwn tastes and choices. Swedish house MAFIA lol we can begin there. what is a mafia?
House music was always about bringing different types of people together to dance in harmony black white brown yellow pink orange gay straight big small weird wonderful etc

Swedish house MAFIA lol we can begin there. what is a mafia?

I didn't see anybody in attendance that I recognised as being noticably of Scilian-NY heritage and belonging to an organised crime family, however if there was, then it only added to vast diversity of people who were there: English, Welsh, Scots, Notherners, Southerners, Irish, Swedes, Danish, French, German, gay, hindu, sikh, christian, working class, middle class << and that's just listing the handful of strangers I met on the day.

SHM may no longer perscribe to your ideal of house music, and many would agree you. Hell, I will agree with you.

But this event did bring people from different ethnic and economic backgrounds together.
I didn't see anybody in attendance that I recognised as being noticably of Scilian-NY heritage and belonging to an organised crime family, however if there was, then it only added to vast diversity of people who were there: English, Welsh, Scots, Notherners, Southerners, Irish, Swedes, Danish, French, German, gay, hindu, sikh, christian, working class, middle class << and that's just listing the handful of strangers I met on the day.

SHM may no longer perscribe to your ideal of house music, and many would agree you. Hell, I will agree with you.

But this event did bring people from different ethnic and economic backgrounds together.

But were they wearing vests?
Not to detract unduly from the serious debate, despie their popularity there are still a lot of people who are definitely in the "no to SHM" camp tho' .. as evidenced by this recent exchange which I found quite amusing :

A : I'd rather go Church than Milton Keynes to see SHM this weekend.
B : I'd rather get married to Gary Glitter and eat dog food for the rest of my life!!

C : I'd rather be hung from a tree upside down, dressed as a nun, being forced to eat a rubber tyre to the music of the flight of the bumblebee than go within a mile of SHM this weekend !

D : ahmennn

Something against scousers, mate?

Calm down, calm down.

Seriously though, the majority of the bad stories/experiences from Saturday had their links. Luckily (unlike most in here) I'm willing not to generalise based on a few bad apples.

It's also hilarious to watch the lengths people go to to tell others how much they dislike SHM. That's fine. You wouldn't want to be there, they've ruined 'house' music blah blah blah.

I was there, I had a ****ing amazing time, and I didn't get stabbed. Bonus.
Lol they haven't ruined house they've just used false advertising. They probably realise that now. Axwell although on the cheesy side made some good uplifting happy tunes/remixes before SHM, I liked them and i dont mind admitting it but he didn't call himself the house master or anything. Of Britney Spears started calling herself the queen of dubstep you'd have a whole different bag of people having a bitch lol if they are gonba claim to be the house organised crime gang ;) then they are gonna get comparisons made by proper house lovers who will think they are rubbish. But why anyone needs to get so defensive that they had a great time is odd. If it was that great don't worry what others think. Well done for managing to find the time to find out people's religions though djedward :)
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[Insert gag about SHM branded Kevlar vests]

Someone else do the donkey work, I'm pretty busy this morning...