2011 Halloween Parties - which would you pick if you could go anywhere ?


Well-Known Member
Halloween parties everywhere next weekend.. and pre-parties are already underway this weekend. If you could pick a Halloween party or pre-party to go to this year, anywhere in the world, which would it be ?

I'll start it off .. for location, line-up and just being completely the right thing for the time of year it would be the 3rd annual Black Halloween Party in Bogota which ended a few hours ago :


Bogotá, Colombia km 5 via la Calera
22 October 11.00pm - 23 October 11:00am

Master of Ceremony
(wagon repair)BERLIN

†BILL PATRICK (supplement Facts)BERLIN

MEMEK (minimoo)NYC




I think Bill Patrick rocks in the DJ booth, btw ... ;)
None of the above!

A good old house party....lots of fancy dress.....lots of wicked decorations and a sh*t load of booze, job done 8)

Whos dressing up as what this year ?! I was gona go as a slutty witch but have now changed it to a slutty corpse bride, bring on the blood :lol:
Other stuff on this weekend, so no Halloween parties for me.

Last year work organised a Halloween bash. I didn't dress up as anything, but one of the girls covered me in fake blood during the party. Not the wisest thing to consent to when you're out on the town afterwards. Cue loads of people coming up to me and asking what happened. :lol:
None of the above!

A good old house party....lots of fancy dress.....lots of wicked decorations and a sh*t load of booze, job done 8)

Whos dressing up as what this year ?! I was gona go as a slutty witch but have now changed it to a slutty corpse bride, bring on the blood :lol:

Sounds more like a sex party than a hallowen party they way you go on about sluts.
Blimey what a boring lot you all are sometimes !! I start a nice exciting thread about foreign lands to brighten up the gloom of a dreary British day and encourage some net trawling exotic places and all I get back is neighbourhood sex watch !!

There's the slutty ghoul too btw ... aka "The Gimp"
Torture Garden = the only halloween event worth going to. It blasts all the teenage fancy dress cliches out of the water. 8)

* even though I'm off to Trade this year. :lol:
Blimey what a boring lot you all are sometimes !! I start a nice exciting thread about foreign lands to brighten up the gloom of a dreary British day and encourage some net trawling exotic places and all I get back is neighbourhood sex watch !!
I will be in Minsk for Halloween weekend. Exotic enough for you? :lol:
Torture Garden = the only halloween event worth going to. It blasts all the teenage fancy dress cliches out of the water. 8)

* even though I'm off to Trade this year. :lol:

:lol: - one too many fetish one-offs this year already ?
Hooray !!!! Going to anything exciting ?
Not sure yet. We've picked out some restaurants and clubs to try (some of which I visited on my first trip to Belarus last year) but we haven't yet identified a Halloween party, per se.