2 Girls One Tongue - #1 Most popular video from WMC 2008

I dont understand......a video with some really great music in it and all you people do is slam the girls in the vid......who from my point of view look quite attractive??? Why is that?? Why does nobody discuss the music??? Sounds like it's really good to my ears. Why the slam on the Americans?? You are saying that Deep Dish, Erick Morillo, Victor Calderone, Behrouz and the like can not produce GREAT tracks??? Seems like a bunch of close minded people out here to me. If a good time is not some hot chicks getting down to some great music I must be getting WAY too old. What do you kids do for fun nowadays????

Nothing wrong with hot chicks getting down to some great music....
However the video in question was a very poor example of that.
It was a fabricated piece of trash in an empty club with a couple of 'ok' girls trying to be sexy whilst we were continously reminded about 'House knobbing Music TV'. (Just in case we had forgotton it from it's previous name check 5 seconds before)
That was so far from being sexy I've had more of touch from watching Teletubbies.
To think that the club scene is that shallow and that one could be wowed or impressed by something so one dimensional, you are right, you are too old.
Listen to Mr Morbs and take a look at what a sexy enviroment really is, youtube Dirty Diamonds, DC10 or Space.
Please do not insult our intelligence.
By the way, I thought the music was OK and would be willing to listen to a download...But please just that, without the American style corporate branding.
Nothing wrong with hot chicks getting down to some great music....
However the video in question was a very poor example of that.
It was a fabricated piece of trash in an empty club with a couple of 'ok' girls trying to be sexy whilst we were continously reminded about 'House knobbing Music TV'. (Just in case we had forgotton it from it's previous name check 5 seconds before)
That was so far from being sexy I've had more of touch from watching Teletubbies.
To think that the club scene is that shallow and that one could be wowed or impressed by something so one dimensional, you are right, you are too old.
Listen to Mr Morbs and take a look at what a sexy enviroment really is, youtube Dirty Diamonds, DC10 or Space.
Please do not insult our intelligence.
By the way, I thought the music was OK and would be willing to listen to a download...But please just that, without the American style corporate branding.

Hear hear old chap!
I happen to love Americans. Probably because I happen to BE American :lol:

And I think there are good tunes coming out of the States. Big Deep Dish fan, by the way (DC represent!). Even most of the Europeans on this forum (Super Polack excluded) have some music and DJs they like from the States.

But I don't need a video of hot girls to listen to music. I see hot girls every weekend at the nightclubs I go to. Sometimes kissing. Big deal.

This video, and the accompanying attempt to market Lee Kalt using it, smacks of desperation.This video is getting a lot of shtick because it's a poor marketing effort.

If you want to see videos that people watch, search YouTube for clips from Circo Loco at DC10 or We Love Space or some other major Ibiza party. They can be good for a laugh and the tunes will be much better.

And perhaps a better way to market Lee Kalt would be to post a mix in the Mixes for Download section of this website. Then we might get some idea of whether or not this guy can play something worthwhile (and actually mix) :idea:

8)8) Word ........ :lol::lol::lol:
Global Warming - Lee Kalt Live

By the way, I thought the music was OK and would be willing to listen to a download...But please just that, without the American style corporate branding.

Here is one of my most favorite LEE KALT mixes. I think he understands more about music then people on this blog would like to admit...what do you think?
Global Warming
Here is one of my most favorite LEE KALT mixes. I think he understands more about music then people on this blog would like to admit...what do you think?
Global Warming


- Which one of you is writing at anyone time. Or do you sit next to the computer together and do a letter/word/sentence each?

just interested. Nice norks by the way.
ah yes, i am reminded again why i never write in forums. because its all a bunch of bitter old men (some young too) who sit around their room or office and facelessly take out their anger at the world on some poor, unsuspecting forum posters. In this case, Malinda and Jessica.

Like seriously, I'm a girl, they do not look like men. Grow up.

This is a music forum, and the music is great. And if you'd like more live mixes from Lee there's like 30 of them here

Malinda & Jessica - Don't take anything said here personally. They probably would have said it if it was Adriana Lima and Gisele.
ah yes, i am reminded again why i never write in forums. because its all a bunch of bitter old men (some young too) who sit around their room or office and facelessly take out their anger at the world on some poor, unsuspecting forum posters. In this case, Malinda and Jessica.
I'm not old.. and not at all bitter. Quite a jolly chap, truth be known :lol:

In fact, I thought my posts in this thread were quite constructive in their criticism!

But I think you'd better apologize for calling Emma, Petraxx and Puppylover "old men"... they might take offense!

Oh, and I doubt Malinda and Jessica (you sure you're not them? :lol:) could be counted as unsuspecting posters... they're marketing people!
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I'm not old.. and not at all bitter. Quite a jolly chap, truth be known :lol:

In fact, I thought my posts in this thread were quite constructive in their criticism!

But I think you'd better apologize for calling Emma, Petraxx and Puppylover "old men"... they might take offense!

Oh, and I doubt Malinda and Jessica (you sure you're not them? :lol:) could be counted as unsuspecting posters... they're marketing people!

Thanks :lol:

I would not watch that video full stop. It was complete and utter tripe.

I have seen better from Girls Aloud.
I feel cheated. I was expecting that video to be something exciting, and that was it!? Gawd that was boring!!
This is a play on words from that delightful avantgard art film "two girls and one cup".
Are the two very hot looking women looking in this video going to follow in the original films footsteps and post their own version of the " one cup" video on the net for all to see.
I'm sure i could do the filming.