2 Girls One Tongue - #1 Most popular video from WMC 2008

I just wonder if this kind of viral marketing, or forum marketing or whatever you want to call it, really works :?:

Yes, I was wondering this the other day whilst wearing a HAWAIIAN SHIRT from that excellent company called KARMAKULA who sell them online in the UK.
Very lame vid indeed

I think I know why :lol:



so very true!
Can't really blame him and his mates for trying though, can you? And who says the girls are 'hot'? I like my girls to be the shape and general consistency of Edam.
Why all the hostility???

I dont understand......a video with some really great music in it and all you people do is slam the girls in the vid......who from my point of view look quite attractive??? Why is that?? Why does nobody discuss the music??? Sounds like it's really good to my ears. Why the slam on the Americans?? You are saying that Deep Dish, Erick Morillo, Victor Calderone, Behrouz and the like can not produce GREAT tracks??? Seems like a bunch of close minded people out here to me. If a good time is not some hot chicks getting down to some great music I must be getting WAY too old. What do you kids do for fun nowadays????

1) Promoting music with so called attractive girls as the primary factor.
2) Girls in general who think they are the bollox.
3) Shíte woosy house music that doesn't do anything or give anything.
4) America (ns).
5) I like getting angry.
I dont understand......a video with some really great music in it and all you people do is slam the girls in the vid......who from my point of view look quite attractive??? Why is that?? Why does nobody discuss the music??? Sounds like it's really good to my ears. Why the slam on the Americans?? You are saying that Deep Dish, Erick Morillo, Victor Calderone, Behrouz and the like can not produce GREAT tracks??? Seems like a bunch of close minded people out here to me. If a good time is not some hot chicks getting down to some great music I must be getting WAY too old. What do you kids do for fun nowadays????
I happen to love Americans. Probably because I happen to BE American :lol:

And I think there are good tunes coming out of the States. Big Deep Dish fan, by the way (DC represent!). Even most of the Europeans on this forum (Super Polack excluded) have some music and DJs they like from the States.

But I don't need a video of hot girls to listen to music. I see hot girls every weekend at the nightclubs I go to. Sometimes kissing. Big deal.

This video, and the accompanying attempt to market Lee Kalt using it, smacks of desperation.This video is getting a lot of shtick because it's a poor marketing effort.

If you want to see videos that people watch, search YouTube for clips from Circo Loco at DC10 or We Love Space or some other major Ibiza party. They can be good for a laugh and the tunes will be much better.

And perhaps a better way to market Lee Kalt would be to post a mix in the Mixes for Download section of this website. Then we might get some idea of whether or not this guy can play something worthwhile (and actually mix) :idea:
Funny or fishy; both House music tv and one love joined this forum on the same date.:?: