10 years on Spotlight

Hello everyone, I still remember my first post. Sat in the computer room at Salford Uni having just booked a trip out. Love Spotlight.

I've been away from Spotlight for a while as Baby Undercover has taken up most of my time. Also busy work related stuff in the middle east, however am leaving for another place in two weeks, exciting times.

Still have un finished business with some spotlighters when I can get them out when I'm still first night fresh as a daisy!

Going in June without any doubt next year and will engage more on here in the near future!
Hello everyone, I still remember my first post. Sat in the computer room at Salford Uni having just booked a trip out. Love Spotlight.

I've been away from Spotlight for a while as Baby Undercover has taken up most of my time. Also busy work related stuff in the middle east, however am leaving for another place in two weeks, exciting times.

Still have un finished business with some spotlighters when I can get them out when I'm still first night fresh as a daisy!

Going in June without any doubt next year and will engage more on here in the near future!

Can't remember my first one but the pouring over these forums year on year, including the barrens years of being married and not being able to visit the island have got me through....


ps oh wow ten years for me too... woo hoo!

pps do i get bonus points in the win a set at Space now?
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It was 10 years for me last June, 8 years in this guise and two in a past life! I wonder if that makes me a 'decadent'? Hope so... I likes the sound of that!!:twisted:
Coming up to four years with an account which posts, two years of lurking. Activity has definitely vanished in the last few years from here.