go pro/selfie sticks

Filming in a club is a buzz-kill .. And that goes for promoters too! Taking continuous selfies on a dance floor is annoying... But for those just wanting one picture I don't think it's a problem. It's checking the pictures and re-doing them cos your face looks funny - if you want to do that then go to the edge of the dance-floor. It's the people that overkill selfies and take continuous footage who spoil it for people who want to take a photo to keep as a memory. I love taking photos and love my selfie stick which I use for taking pics of me and the other half when we go out in the day to beaches etc. Photography is a hobby of mine and people that judge me for having a selfie stick can crack on because I actually don't care if people think it's sad. But even I would never-ever take a selfie stick clubbing.. and I only have a few clubbing photos. People do need to stop the continuous photos and filming all night long on the dancefloor.
I can just see the headline now ....

"Following a review of their entry criteria policy, Berghain nightclub, Berlin have decided to welcome Brits, yanks and selfie sticks with open arms"