

Active Member
Watched this on rec from Grego on another thread.

Religion - yes interesting, although nothing that changed the way I thought of things anyway from a general p o v.

The 9/11 stuff is interesting - and the neo con jazz around it is the focus of a film i've rec'd on here (power of nightmares), but that job specicically just seems to big a deal to pull off?!!

The stuff on the federal reserve etc is f ucking hell - big time. I had no idea....it's basically a private org that creates the cash in US & lends it to commercial markets with an interest attached. As opposed to a not for profit and non partisan government led body.

The people who control monetary policy in the US are:

1) The Rothschild Family - London 2) The Rothschild Family - Berlin 3) The Lazard Brothers - Paris 4) Israel Seiff - Italy 5) Kuhn-Loeb Company - Germany 6) The Warburgs - Amsterdam 7) The Warburgs - Hamburg 8) Lehman Brothers - New York 9) Goldman & Sachs - New York 10) The Rockefeller Family - New York

As Rothschild says something similar in the film, 'give me control of the money supply and I care not who makes the laws'

Seriously, watch this. http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/index.html
average joe on the street has no idea how much control the bankers have, most of your above average joes care not and probably don't believe it.

it's like all the US led attempts at controlling the world. assassinations attempts left right and centre (allende, castro, guevara, trujillo), puppet governments installed on a whim, thousands of civilian casualties and economic disaster (shah of iran, afghanistan, grenada, guatemala, nicaragua, panama, el salvador, chile - for god's sake they put pinochet in power)............all this denied at the time, then 20-40 years later, the truth comes out, so why when it keeps on happening do people believe it can't be true.

pearl harbour, classic example, sure it was bombed by the japanese, but it's almost indisputable that the warning could have gone up to save more lives, but then the more lives gone, the more convincing the case for war, the more war, the more money that has to be borrowed at interest............all of which = more money for the bankers. 9/11 is only the same, there are many example of 'fake attacks' to instigate military action. 9/11 just had to even more of an impact because of the total folly of the subsequent wars.

america's treatment of cuba over the last 50 years is obscene and immoral through anyone's eyes, and for what? when you look at it plainly, i don't find it difficult anymore to see who are the good guys.
average joe on the street has no idea how much control the bankers have, most of your above average joes care not and probably don't believe it.

it's like all the US led attempts at controlling the world. assassinations attempts left right and centre (allende, castro, guevara, trujillo), puppet governments installed on a whim, thousands of civilian casualties and economic disaster (shah of iran, afghanistan, grenada, guatemala, nicaragua, panama, el salvador, chile - for god's sake they put pinochet in power)............all this denied at the time, then 20-40 years later, the truth comes out, so why when it keeps on happening do people believe it can't be true.

pearl harbour, classic example, sure it was bombed by the japanese, but it's almost indisputable that the warning could have gone up to save more lives, but then the more lives gone, the more convincing the case for war, the more war, the more money that has to be borrowed at interest............all of which = more money for the bankers. 9/11 is only the same, there are many example of 'fake attacks' to instigate military action. 9/11 just had to even more of an impact because of the total folly of the subsequent wars.

america's treatment of cuba over the last 50 years is obscene and immoral through anyone's eyes, and for what? when you look at it plainly, i don't find it difficult anymore to see who are the good guys.

^^^ well said

I would add - the advent of Obama complicates things - is he simply the human(e) face of the military industrial complex (like Carter) or can he actually change entrenched mentalities for good...?

time will tell..
This makes an interesting read:

The Chomsky Trilogy: "Secrets, Lies and Democracy", "Prosperous Few and the Restless Many", "What Uncle Sam Really Wants"
True re: America's interventionist tendencies (especially in central & south America) and partially true re: the bankers.

However, I was just out at Pearl Harbor earlier this year and from the stories and newsreels you see at the memorial, you get the idea the Japanese really had their act together (and we just didn't think they'd be that stupid). I don't believe the conspiracy stories on that one.
True re: America's interventionist tendencies (especially in central & south America) and partially true re: the bankers.

However, I was just out at Pearl Harbor earlier this year and from the stories and newsreels you see at the memorial, you get the idea the Japanese really had their act together (and we just didn't think they'd be that stupid). I don't believe the conspiracy stories on that one.

thinking about it, it's actually an interesting turn of phrase you use.

to repeat, if history has taught has anything, it is that the official story is more likely to be the conspiracy and the alleged conspiracy more likely to be the truth.
thinking about it, it's actually an interesting turn of phrase you use.

to repeat, if history has taught has anything, it is that the official story is more likely to be the conspiracy and the alleged conspiracy more likely to be the truth.
If that were true, then people did an amazing job covering up Kennedy's assassination because with all the attention and investigation, no one's found the truth behind the Cuba-military industrial complex-Mafia conspiracy!
If that were true, then people did an amazing job covering up Kennedy's assassination because with all the attention and investigation, no one's found the truth behind the Cuba-military industrial complex-Mafia conspiracy!

there are exceptions of course. oliver stone did a great job convincing the world that lee harvey oswald couldn't do the shoot, me included, whereas the truth is that it was more than likely him and many people 'helped' or ended up happy from the outcome.

as far as cuba is concerned, USA policy has just been nothing but oppressive, aggressive, medieval, violent, bullying and downright shameful.

thanks to obama's attitude, we are a little closer to the point where "history has absolved" castro.
This is so fascinating.

I believe every word of it because it makes perfect sense.

It's not new tho. The concepts here have been known for years and thing is, have you ever tried to tell this to an American? They just, WON'T beleive it. O.k, occasionally you get some who will ie: The Free Thinkers Society, which you can see in Richard Dawsons 'The Root Of All Evil'.

The fact that the Abrahamic religions stem back to a beleif as old as the Egyptions tho suggests to me that this could all be beyond what we know on Earth, as I've been reading in a book called 'The Sons Of Eden', which basically lends suggestion to the idea that, all this religion is knowledge taught via, aliens, whom, the big wigs know about and thus, if they control they Earth, they have bargaining power in the universe. Imagine being the president of Earth?

When you think of the bankers and ****, making their profits and so forth, well, its what the Mafia do as well. As the man say's towards the end, "they're just people, take care of yourself and your family firsy" thats true. In order to do that, you need power. These people are gaining that power. When they have absolute power, their families and themselves will be safe. But from who? Little old us?

What they don't realise is, they're making enemies. As they expose themselves they make enemies in us, the average joes. They'd of been safer being honest and open about everything (On a global scale). Instead of making wars and **** to make profit to create security, they should have made peace and used morals to do it. Because, even if the 10 Commandments are just dreamed up by Egyption myth, what is wrong with those 10 Commandments?

Its all a primal game. It's all about SURVIVAL!. The goal of a dictator after he takes power, is TO SURVIVE. Thats what the bankers are doing. They can't do it physically, so they do it financially. .. Stop spending money. Start bartering and watch what these guys become worth. Then, put them on an island and say "take care of yourself and your family". Will they be able to hunt? Build a house? Do things the people with power SHOULD be able to do? No. .. In the old days, if the King sent his army to war, he rode with them in the front line. He got stabbed to. These guys aren't getting stabbed. For all the power this documentary makes out these bankers to possess, the truth is they possess none because their power is imaginary. Which, is what the documentary sets out to enlighten us on, so it serves it's purpose.

At the end of the day, if enough people scream revolution the world can change.

Wouldn't it be ironic if these coorporate thugs met their death in the street by a common thug. That would cement in my mind the power of the people. If an, immoral, criminal, just, shot them randomly. Not knowing who he was shooting of course. But.. .. The chance is he would be an immoral criminal as the result of a world created by financial power, and how those who have none have to seek it physically, via violence and crime. To see them meet their demise in that way, in a way would be the perfect justice I think.
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mission accomplished - morbyd brainwashed
Ha ha...

It's actually a really interesting place to visit. Highly recommend it if you make it out to Hawaii.

They give you a good overview of the series of agreements and disagreements between Japan and the US that led up to the decision to attack. And they give a lot of credit to the Japanese military command for their planning and tactics...

Enough of the above that you can ignore the interspersed flag-waving stories of bravery about the US sailors... until you take the boat out to the USS Arizona memorial, which sits atop the sunken ship and the remains of its 1000 sailor crew... then the reality of it all sinks in. Quite a somber place.