Your 2012

Working on what I really want out of life - it doesn't seem to get any clearer though. I'm thinking it's mainly down to not having kids and having a decent amount of freedom and spare time. Sounds great but in reality it can all get pretty hollow.

This, really, but I don't want kids... Holidays, x-box, films, exercise, whatever don't really cover over what's missing. :confused:
my 2012 was anything but ordinary.

i had left my safe, but unsatisfying life in switzerland in autum 2011 and started into 2012 in egypt, finishing my divemaster course. i knew that latest by april i want to be in ibiza, but suddenly it all went really fast and BANG - i was here mid-february already. as i had done a few seasons before (a few years ago), it was definitely more like coming home than all new. although, it was still very different, because you can't really compare coming down just for the summer with doing the permanent move to ibiza.

the pre-season months were a perfect period to get into my new role and to get the most important stuff (house, bit of paperwork,…) done.

then came the summer. well guys, you know we - the clubbing team - go out a lot and we definitely enjoy this part of our jobs, but let me also tell you we all really worked hard this season. the whole summer was a totally manic ride and - despite of all the stress we had - i honestly loved every bit of it. it's just part of the game and you know it in advance when you come to work to ibiza in any sector that has to do with tourists. the closing party weeks were splendid and just the perfect reward for all the rumble and bustle of the summer.

the post-season months have been very cool so far. finally everyone has time to meet up again, finally i found time to finish up all my paperwork, to see bits and pieces of ibiza again that i missed during the summer. so far i thoroughly enjoy winter on the island. november was a bit rainy, but at the moment, weather is just absolutely brilliant - 20°C today at lunchtime!

i'm really glad i made the permanent move and am not looking back one single bit. I am already looking forward to another manic summer (but ok, tbh I'm glad it doesn't start tomorrow already). it was really great to meet some of you guys again this summer (you know who you are) and i look forward to seeing you again next year!

here's to a great 2013!

fixing my car when the mechanics couldn't find the fault
seeing my 4 year old daughter in her first school uniform, looking as pleased as punch
popping over to Morocco for a long weekend with my missus
listening to my 7 year old play the guitar
getting a building license for a fence at my place in Ibiza
Jan visit booked, first visit since August
nearly finishing the house I am building for us in the Uk
Getting a windsurfer to go in two directions under nearly complete control on Cala Martina
finding the view from the villa blog, it is cracking me up!


seeing my 4 year old going to school, they grow up too fast!
needing a fence in Ibiza, been burgled twice this year
not getting the windsurfer to turn without falling off or hitting something like a boat or a swimmer in the sea
still building the frikkin house in the Uk, it's really grinding on me now
Ryanair pulling the direct flights
drinking too much booze
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the girl in the coral dress ;)
outrageous and probably unforgiveable recklessness on the White Isle
Kayaking in Menorca and Ibiza
Days of naturist abandon in Formentera and Aigues Blanques
Torre d'es Savinar - reminds me why I'm still alive
San Rafael & Sushiya Aoyama ;)
Jumping off Cap Bernat with Stivi - awesome
Canyoning in Madeira and abseiling down a 100ft waterfall
Paragliding and skydiving in Spain and Portugal
Those motorboat outings - oh my !
The Parties that need no listing
Every minute of sunshine and every minute in my beloved Med
Giving up smoking after 20 years
Making it through 3 months (and counting) with no alcohol or Red Bull
Succeeding in living without a car - 3 months on Monday - and cycling instead
Hitting the weights and gaining 3kg and rising - huge achievement for me
Good times and good friends old and new
Surviving some seemingly impossible financial hits - someone must have been looking out for me


twatted too many cars (not my fault I hasten to add :spank:)
Giving up my flat (finally couldn't fund the rent hikes any more)
Winding up 3 businesses which died after I took 3 months off caring for someone full-time late last year
Constant rain in Britain for months
Brush with the law and costs of same :rolleyes:
Broke up a polyamorous triangle of my making :spank:
Spent too much and drank too much - but made up for it lately
Concealed too much from people close and dear - paying for it now !
Pretty average for me.


Not been out much pub/club/bar wise this year, mainly as I am always tired.
Still on 24/7 shift pattern after 19 years (see above)
Impending changes at work to pay, pension and conditions
Stress symptoms in latter 1/4 of year
Seeing 88 year old grandmother deteriorate badly health-wise
Rubbish trip to Ibiza in July (wasted opportunities)
Bad weather UK


Got into doing weights at the tender age of 41 (20 years too late)
My girls doing well at school and developing into polite well mannered young adults
New Ibiza experiences in August
Quiet nights in with my missus
2012 has made me appreciate how good 2011 was - but i won't navel gaze- done enough of that already. 2013 is going to get my foot up it's ass.

Congrats to all the new fathers and fathers to be, fantastic news.

Morbs and Kimajy - hope 2013 is better for you guys - can't keep good lads down 8)
Congrats to all the new fathers and fathers to be, fantastic news.

Morbs and Kimajy - hope 2013 is better for you guys - can't keep good lads down 8)


Finally moved to Ibiza after many years of dreaming the dream.
Seeing my little boy and girl grow up into lovely rounded characters
Started running, completed several half marathons and full marathon in November
Marveling at how well my little boy has settled into his new Spanish school.

Struggling to think of any, other than witnessing the continued rape and pillaging of the poor by the wealthy :(
This is a very healthy thread and it's always good to evaluate yourself. If the year feels like it's flown it's because you haven't done enough. Make a resolution to do this in 2013…


Getting engaged by the beach in Ibiza
Ibiza for 10 days
Moving into my first house
Missus getting accepted to do a Masters through University
Seeing all kinds of bands from Stone Roses to Rammstein to Seal
Zutekh vs T Pot day party with in laws and cousins


Blackpool missing out on promotion back to the Prem at the final hurdle at Wembley
Missing out on a big job promotion

Still to come…my niece opening her first Blackpool shirt on Christmas day. (bit of a selfish high that one)
Sometimes it seems that the more plusses you clock up the more minuses you have to suffer
I wouldn't say more minuses. Just a couple of them that were substantially more traumatic than all the good stuff :confused:

Morbs and Kimajy - hope 2013 is better for you guys - can't keep good lads down 8)
Thanks, mate. Couldn't be much worse, I suppose... actually, it could, and that would really suck! :lol:
Going back to what I said - I had a brilliant summer. End of June to Mid September were the best summer I've had. Sadly, the lead up to that time, and the time after, I've been in the two biggest depressions of my life.

I hope 2013 is an improvement. Tis going to be hard, that's for sure!
Getting fired in February from a job I was actually excelling at
Getting fired from another job in March after only 3 weeks in the job
Resulting skintness from multiple firings
Meeting a guy and falling for him 4 days before I moved away for 5 months
losing a guy I met in Ibiza and adored because I told him about the one before him
Waking up in an Ibiza hospital where nobody seemed to speak english having had my clothes stripped up and having nothing covering my decency

Getting to do a second season in Ibiza which I didnt think would happen due to multiple firings
Meeting some amazing new people who I dont think I could live without now in Ibiza
Landing a job fitting of a Carlsberg Ad - beer in the office, dress down everyday, facebook constantly on, free holidays abroad, surprise advent calendars just because, fifa all day long etc
Works Christmas do in tenerife - all expenses paid, all extra substances paid for, extended from 3-5 days just because etc
not having a heart attack

Mostly this year has just in general been a happy one. :)
did acid in bumless rubber pants with a giant flamingo (as you do).Considering a one way ticket to India in the not too distant future.

No matter how low I feel or how fed up I get trying to "conform" to peoples' behavioural expectations of me (which are all a hypocritical sham borne out of a need to survive), it's one liners like this which put a smile back on my face and restore my faith that there's indeed room for us all after all :lol:. Thank you Robder - for truly making my day !

currently working hard to get out of debt so i can burn my barclaycard in a ritualistic sacrifice


got my first car ( leon fr )

Can't imagine the latter helped the former much ;) Still, I can see why you wanted one - they can be expensive habits in many ways !

needing a fence in Ibiza, been burgled twice this year
not getting the windsurfer to turn without falling off or hitting something like a boat or a swimmer in the sea
still building the frikkin house in the Uk, it's really grinding on me now

First one sucks. It's the side of 2nd home ownership you can really do without. You'll crack those tacks with a bit of practice :). People make jokes about getting Souther Europeans to finish jobs on time. If you ever try to do something building-wise to a deadline or budget in the UK it becomes pretty clear that it's just as bad if not worse over here !

Finally moved to Ibiza after many years of dreaming the dream.

You and Stivi both - dreams fulfilled. Really happy you made it and wish you both all the rewards it can bring. Just try not to wind up bored and jaded too soon !

2012 has made me appreciate how good 2011 was - but i won't navel gaze- done enough of that already. 2013 is going to get my foot up it's ass...

Morbs and Kimajy - hope 2013 is better for you guys - can't keep good lads down 8)

8).. thanks. Good old kick up the proverbial is never a bad thing in life now and again and sometimes you need a trigger. Things can almost always have been worse and usually happen for a reason, so best thing is usually to crack on and turn adversity into positive motivation to change and learn in ways you'd never have done otherwise. In the end, actions usually obviate the need for words or explanations - once the dust has settled enough for you (and eventually others) to see.

Sadly, the lead up to that time, and the time after, I've been in the two biggest depressions of my life.

I hope 2013 is an improvement. Tis going to be hard, that's for sure!

Keep the exercise up, Ben. It's a better rod with which to beat depression than anything else available .. except perhaps being funded to potter through a simple and carefree existence in Ibiza :lol:. When things were at their most heated I did threaten my family that I would buy a one way ticket and spend the Winter living in a cave in Ibiza meditiating until Spring a few months ago, taking nothing but a prepaid credit card, a fishing rod and a Spanish phrasebook. I picked up the nearest set of car keys, my bag, phrasebook and passport and was half way to the car heading for the airport there and then before they successfully persuaded me not to.

I was 100% serious having hit a total brick wall on every front and feeling others were refusing to listen to any reason. Thankfully we have all managed to work a few things out since then. I have forgiven them as they were charged by emotion (something I am not typically driven by) and this can make any rational dealings impossible. In the end there is no way to run away and the best thing is to work things out as best you can. I am lucky to have people around me who are willing to do the same. But it has taken a very long time and a lot of commitment on all sides. In the end, it is worth it.
2012 has been one of the best years in a long time for me and there has been a LOT of partying.

Mainly due to the amazing friends old and new that I surround myself with. Living with my amazing housemate who never fails to bring a smile to my face on a daily basis and laughing about the most mundane things. Trips to Slovenia which was a mix of partying and the great outdoors, France for 2 weekends in a row to see one of my best friends (who happens to live and work for the family wine business) who has gone home to live there, Secret Garden Party with 18 fabulous girl mates (plus one adopted on the coach male) which was unbelievably good (especially Orbital and amazing fireworks) and my best ever trip to Ibiza in September for Island of Trance week. Rediscovered my love of trance big time this year after a few years away from that scene and have been to LOADS of quality nights out and gained a whole circle of new top mates who I am still getting to know better and having a really really great time with. Getting closer to people I have known for years and really cementing some of those friendships. Also a few friends have properly settled down and had kids this year and seeing them so happy and the kids being adorable has also put a smile on my face. Quite happy being Auntie Helen rather than having any of my own though! Also finally got divorced after being separated for 7 years. Good to finally draw a line under that one.

Only downsides was my Mum going into hospital for a heart operation which was scary but she has come out the other side and is all the better for it. Splitting up with my boyfriend of 2 years knowing that even though we still love each other it's just never going to work despite a few attempts and having to accept that. He's moved to Sheffield now and seems to be settling in there. Just wish him all the best in his future and hope he's happy.

So it's pretty much been a year of having good times :)

2013 is already shaping up to be a goodun too. Ibiza x 2, Florida, Glastonbury, Amsterdam for ASOT and a lot of nights out already in the pipeline. Hoping to carry on where 2012 left off. Big 4 0 in May but don't think I'm ready to grow up just yet!!
Great idea for a thread this. Been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me at times this year. Have had the lot in 2012 and definitely my best year since leaving Uni in 2008.

I'm gonna be posting a full review of both my year and the year in trance with the first part of my year mix.

But in summary, biggest events/moments:
*Jan: Visited London 4 out of 5 weekends in Jan (3 to see friends inlc. New Year celebrations, once with work for a company awards ceremony - incl. saw James Kahn do a speech)
*Feb: Grandfather died :cry: Tough month that.
*April: Huge Easter weekend in London. Saw A&B and Sander Van Doorn at Brixton. Came back practically dying.
*August: Ibiza 2012, and all the madness that ensued. Olympics was also on which I was completely converted to after previously being quite cynical about.
*Oct: Big weekend in Manchester for Armin Van Buuren @ Warehouse Project. First ever night out in Manchester and a weekend that ran more or less like clockwork.
*Nov: Left my job in Chester, went to London, hunted for a job, got a job, moved to London. Massive change in my life ahead of 2013.

EDIT: Oh, and forgot to mention that my cousin (only one year older than me) got married this year. Really surreal but a great event also.
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Giving up smoking after 20 years
Making it through 3 months (and counting) with no alcohol or Red Bull
Succeeding in living without a car - 3 months on Monday - and cycling instead
Hitting the weights and gaining 3kg and rising - huge achievement for me

Which one of these was the hardest to do? All are a great achievement in all honesty. The booze one would have been the hardest for me, saying that, I am struggling to put on muscle at the moment, 3kg would do me nicely. Perhaps I need to go on an expensive protein diet once again?
No matter how low I feel or how fed up I get trying to "conform" to peoples' behavioural expectations of me (which are all a hypocritical sham borne out of a need to survive), it's one liners like this which put a smile back on my face and restore my faith that there's indeed room for us all after all :lol:. Thank you Robder - for truly making my day !

:lol: Thanks for making mine - purely because I hadn't quite considered the above in that context. :oops:
Which one of these was the hardest to do? All are a great achievement in all honesty. The booze one would have been the hardest for me, saying that, I am struggling to put on muscle at the moment, 3kg would do me nicely. Perhaps I need to go on an expensive protein diet once again?

I gave up smoking last December after a decade, and I while I've never tried to give up alcohol, I'm 100% sure that smoking is the easier of the 2. I suppose it's sad to say, but alcohol is a massive part of my life. As a general rule I don't drink during the week, but pretty much all that I enjoy doing at the weekend will involve alcohol. Football days, 'quiet' nights at the pub, clubbing, raving, house parties, even taking someone out for a meal. All of those just wouldn't be the same without a drink, but cigarettes are not an integral part of any of them.

Giving up smoking wasn't the easiest, and nobody can tell you when you're ready to try. I was ill with a chest infection so didn't smoke for a week because of that, and I just threw away the pack I had and decided to carry it on. I have had the occasional cigarette, usually when hammered, but that has never made me even think about taking it up again. The addiction is gone. Keep it up Kimajy, it gets easier and easier.
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Like many others 2012 has not been on my "What a great year!" list. I'm glad it's nearly over! I can only really describe it as Bleh!

My granny passed away this year and I was very close to her (although I did not live near her) and just so many things with jobs, people etc... I'm looking forward to 2013.

To be fair, I am alive and healthy and fed and still better off than most people on the planet. I think it's important to remember that, as I have friends my age who are not so fortunate right now. It seems that this year, so many people I know, my age, are being diagnosed with cancer and having to go through chemo, double mastectomies... just have known too many this year.

High points from 2012

-Colombia (and Panama)for 5 weeks
-headed to Cuba on Sunday for a week (have never done a package all inclusive holiday - not sure what to expect but will gladly embrace the 45 - 50 degree temperature change!)
- My brother got married!

Here's to a great 2013!