Your 2012


I saw a similar thread on a football forum I use and it was quite interesting, so thought I'd pinch the idea. So, 2012 is nearly over, how's it been for everyone? Highlights? Lowlights? Any big success stories?

Recession, the Olympics and other big sporting events, and the Royal Family have all been big news this year, anyone particularly affected or involved with any of that?

Strange year for me, not a whole load of partying, lots of highs and lows and a year I really decided to change some things I wasn't happy with.

Some amazing football away days.
International Rugby 7's at Twickenham - one of the weekends of the year.
Injured leg meaning time off unpaid - weeks of being bored and skint.
Southampton's promotion to the Premier League.
2 good friend's weddings and related shenanigans.
New job with decent pay rise.
Got fit and lost a load of weight.
Ended a long term relationship and moved out of the house we shared - whilst in the middle of a massive project at work which meant working 70 hour weeks through the whole thing. Easily the most stressful few months of my life.
Made myself ill due to the above.
Ibiza 2012 - by far my best trip there to date.
Confirmed job security going into the new year.

2013 is set to be a brilliant, less stressful year. I can't wait.
The night Body&SOUL came to London - a night I'll never forget.
Shoom's 25th was also off the scale - as were all the Loft and Beauty and the Beat parties.

Bestival was also pretty wild - did acid in bumless rubber pants with a giant flamingo (as you do). :/ - I'll take memories of Stevie and Earth Wind & Fire to my grave.

Have been broadening my musical horizons with Bunker Sessions - really inspiring project.

Graduated from all my training and ran a workshop at a festival - terrifying yet rewarding.

Made significant progress with tattoo...session 3 of 5 this eve. :/


It's been a hermit phase by all accounts - whilst I've seen lots of folks I've been retreating into my cave and surrounding self with glass walls this year.

NEED a holiday - the last time I saw a beach was in Ibiza 2007. Considering a one way ticket to India in the not too distant future.

Feeling a bit directionless after studies and needing to get on a new track (could be seen as a positive - nice to be at a crossroads and all).

Uhmmm - possibly loads more to write but needing to find my work mojo - so on that note...
will be glad to see the back of this year for sure, bar attending a few events (bugged out weekender, time warp, rockness, Melt! & ibiza)...i would say on a personal level its been one of the worst years of my life, wont go into it, but as an indicator its sits with my mum dying when i was 16, and with my dad dying 6 years ago.

horrible year.:(

On the upside, 2013 hasn't got much to beat then.
First time I've been to Ibiza twice in a year (and probably only time in my life...)
Suffered from some pretty bad depression at several points through the year - summer was good though :)
Moved from Leeds down to Brighton
DJed a total of six times in bars/clubs, including once in Ibiza :)
Started my own club night. :)
Gone back to uni.
Not got back with any exs (yes, this is a highlight of the year :lol: )
First time I've been to Ibiza twice in a year (and probably only time in my life...)
Suffered from some pretty bad depression at several points through the year - summer was good though :)
Moved from Leeds down to Brighton
DJed a total of six times in bars/clubs, including once in Ibiza :)
Started my own club night. :)
Gone back to uni.
Not got back with any exs (yes, this is a highlight of the year :lol: )

how did the night go mate?
Seemed to go ok, it was very rushed so not enough time to throw PR together. Got about 40 people in to the bar we did it in so I'd call that good going.
2012 year of growth, organic change and developing opportunities. Far from boring.
Great believer in not forcing situations and letting things develop organically.
Work wise, while not financially rewarding, it has been busier and rewards have been personally satisfying. Hopefully the path will become clearer in 2013.
More involved politicly as we try to make change and allow a new generation to break through and have their say. Light at end of tunnel now.
Relationships and family are good, healthy & solid. My 5 year old,(now the apple of my eye) & going on 13. Her boyfriend is now Niall from One Direction after a brief affair with Harry.
Ibiza still plays a big part in my life...making deeper connections with it which is really good.
While noting amazing its been a steady year and thankfully not much bad stuff to report.
2nd season in Ibiza done. Miles better than last year.
Broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, but still good mates.
Asked to be best man for my mates wedding.

Looking forward to 2013- 4 months travelling in january then 3rd season in Ibiza. Starting our own business there this time round. Had enough of working my arse of for other people to make money for them. Have to travel home 2 times during next season as for the stag doo and wedding. Still trying to persuade the destination to be Ibiza :)
I saw a similar thread on a football forum I use and it was quite interesting, so thought I'd pinch the idea. So, 2012 is nearly over, how's it been for everyone? Highlights? Lowlights? Any big success stories?
We do one of these threads every year on Spotlight too.

Worst friggin' year of my life. That is all.

To put it in perspective, this year I:
- visited 3 new countries (India, Tanzania, Morocco)
- saw 3 new cities (Munich, Belgrade, Odessa)
- climbed Mt Kilimanjaro
- had nearly 100 people show up for my 40th birthday party
- watched Chelsea win the FA Cup and the Champions League
- lost 8 kg (to a weight I haven't been since middle school)

And I'd still rather be crucified with nails than live through a year like this again.

2013 had better be better :confused:
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We do one of these threads every year on Spotlight too.

Worst friggin' year of my life. That is all.

To put it in perspective, this year I:
- visited 3 new countries (India, Tanzania, Morocco)
- saw 3 new cities (Munich, Belgrade, Odessa)
- climbed Mt Kilimanjaro
- had nearly 100 people show up for my 40th birthday party
- watched Chelsea win the FA Cup and the Champions League
- lost 8 kg (to a weight I haven't been since middle school)

And I'd still rather be crucified with nails than live through a year like this again.

2013 had better be better :confused:

Interesting to hear you say that, Morbs. I had a year full of highs and achievements but which was tained throughout by some terrible times and experiences I would never wish to repeat. Sometimes it seems that the more plusses you clock up the more minuses you have to suffer - it's exhausting and constantly feeling beaten from the side. Slammed myself into retreat for the last 3 months and I can see this going on for another year at this rate. Sometimes I hardly dare step outside my little local cocoon. Working on what I really want out of life - it doesn't seem to get any clearer though. I'm thinking it's mainly down to not having kids and having a decent amount of freedom and spare time. Sounds great but in reality it can all get pretty hollow.
We do one of these threads every year on Spotlight too.
Last years:



Sucessfully impregnated the missus *manly high-fives*
Got engaged
Found out The Muckley (TM) is a boy
Renovated Buckley Towers
Boat Party was a pretty decent
Won 2 yrs court battle to recoup money owed by lunatic ex

Arrested at 4am and dragged away from 7 months pregnant missus after lunatic ex receives news of court case loss and makes up a load of lies that I've been harassing her. Despite the lack of a shred of evidence, month long wait for the police to call bulls**t was not nice. E2A: Neither was nine hours in the cells, followed by an attempt to railroad me into accepting a caution, now I come to think of it.

Football injury meaning I've not played for 7 weeks now

2013? Next year is set to be best ever -starting with the birth of my son. (due Jan 20)
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my 2012 was decent enough....

3 trips to Ibiza ( openings, closings and winter trip )
trip to barcelona and first time at nou camp for a match which barcelona won
trip to madrid for a match in the bernabeu which real won and ronaldo scored a hatrick
dj'ing in finland
got into a lot of debt thanks to above trips
currently working hard to get out of debt so i can burn my barclaycard in a ritualistic sacrifice
got my first car ( leon fr )
seen orbital live twice
seen so many good dj's
realised i no longer want to live in my home city and began to put plans into place to escape
started doing weights and running again

Congrats to all with baby news!

Although one of my 2013 resolutions will be to avoid impregnating anyone.
I've had a very average year. Not done anything out of the ordinary nor has anything out of the ordinary happened to me.
Can see next year following the same route so can't really complain.