
Did we get a definitive steer on how to pronounce the name?

dunno. how do they pronounce it in the UK then? it could be zoh-yo, but it could also be 'cho-yo', which in spanish would be chollo...un chollo is a bargain :)
yeah there's two or 3 possibilities I supplied early plus the pronounce each letter option. It's just so I don't make a fool of myself if I ever ask a taxi driver to take me there. I'm sure he'd understand eventually after I gave him the 4 options...
OMG ... some unreal beauty doiing pr for xoyo right now . not seen such a classy hottie in a long time :)
still have absolutely no idea what their concept/target group etcpp is ?!?
stepped a few times inside but - besides that one hot pr outside - nothing kept me there ...
You mention doing a bar crawl in Ibiza town...where is good there? especially in September when i've found a few places a bit quiet
Also interested in this answer, had a few wanders round etc in the day but with nothing in mind, never gone for a few drinks there but would like to