Xmas Flu

Spot on. I collapsed last july (july for feks sake), I had been feeling rough for a few days, weak, headachey, nauseous (?), then i got up in the night felling really bad and lost consciousness hitting my head on the toilet ,bidé, and then the floor on the way down.

My wife found me soaked in sweat with blood pouring from my lip, nose and the back of my head, she was 8 months pregnant !! I was rushed to the hospital where they put me on drips to hydrate me and bring down my temperature, then i had a CT scan as i lost consciousness. I was in hospital for 3 days. It was a foreign strain off flu, i even made a medical journal 8)

Then my wife gave birth 6 days later while i was still in bed recuperating (Obviously i got out of bed for the birth), i look worse in the pictures than she did.

But like you said, when most say they've got the flu, have they FUNK, its a cold !! It took me about 2 months to start to feel better, and we had a new born to contend with :spank:

that sounds horrific 8O:cry:
Spot on. I collapsed last july (july for feks sake), I had been feeling rough for a few days, weak, headachey, nauseous (?), then i got up in the night felling really bad and lost consciousness hitting my head on the toilet ,bidé, and then the floor on the way down.

My wife found me soaked in sweat with blood pouring from my lip, nose and the back of my head, she was 8 months pregnant !! I was rushed to the hospital where they put me on drips to hydrate me and bring down my temperature, then i had a CT scan as i lost consciousness. I was in hospital for 3 days. It was a foreign strain off flu, i even made a medical journal 8)

Then my wife gave birth 6 days later while i was still in bed recuperating (Obviously i got out of bed for the birth), i look worse in the pictures than she did.

But like you said, when most say they've got the flu, have they FUNK, its a cold !! It took me about 2 months to start to feel better, and we had a new born to contend with :spank:

Sounds like a case of man flu to me! I bet a woman would have been in work, feeding the kids, cleaning the house etc etc

j/k ;) :twisted:
that sounds horrific 8O:cry:

It was worse for her finding me semi conscious covered in sweat and blood, she had to try to sit me up against the wall and i kept sliding down, she was well scared. She actually had the baby early due to coughing her out, as she caught a bug off me. I was in isolation for 2 days also, visitors had to wave at me through a glass window :lol:

The baby more than made up for it though. :D The sleepless nights after were a barstuard :spank:

Now that was FLU :twisted:

Sounds like a case of man flu to me! I bet a woman would have been in work, feeding the kids, cleaning the house etc etc

j/k ;) :twisted:

Screw you :lol:
Jesus I found the complete opposite... I went doen to the gym on Saturday when I was properly dosed up. half an hour session completely flattened me! J

totally avoiding gym from now on if im feeling the slightest bit weak/fatigued.

Its a great place for catching germs/viruses
Then my wife gave birth 6 days later while i was still in bed recuperating (Obviously i got out of bed for the birth), i look worse in the pictures than she did.

thought u looked familiar....

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I've had it for a couple of days, blocked up, exhausted all the time, sore head , sore throat. It's getting worse too.
finally went and did sensible thing and bought some drugs (Sudafed).

bloody wished i listened 3 days before.

Now feel as fresh as a sweaty daisy
When you have FLU you will know and never forget,you can feel poorly for a month.ITS a killer especially for the elderly or very young
When you have FLU you will know and never forget,you can feel poorly for a month.ITS a killer especially for the elderly or very young

Exactly. When you have the flu it's hard enough getting up to go to the toilet, so there's no way work would be an option.

When I had it as a kid I remember getting out of bed and just hitting the floor because my legs couldn't support me. I ended up pissing down the stares at one point because I didn't have a clue where I was and I thought it was the bathroom. :lol:

The amount of people that claim to have 'the flu' just because they think it's 'worse that a cold' is laughable, they've obviously never had the flu or they'd know it.

People who sit for a bit to long in the sun and then claim they've got heat stroke, because they've got a headache are just as bad, as well.
Well, I went in to work today and my area manager sent me home because I'm not well.
This should turn my 4 days off at christmas in to 6 but I'm probably going to spend it in my bed.:(