Xmas Flu


Active Member
I had this last year and it did knock me for six, was more then just flu, had the constant nausea and feeling drained for days, it lasted about 2 weeks, I couldnt eat drink, nothing!

Now it seems its making a reappearance this year! Anyone else got the flu here? Everyone on the trains and in the office seems to have it and now I can feel it getting to me arghhhh :spank:

I cannot handle another Xmas and NYE ruined because of god dam FLU!!!
I had this last year and it did knock me for six, was more then just flu, had the constant nausea and feeling drained for days, it lasted about 2 weeks, I couldnt eat drink, nothing!

Now it seems its making a reappearance this year! Anyone else got the flu here? Everyone on the trains and in the office seems to have it and now I can feel it getting to me arghhhh :spank:

I cannot handle another Xmas and NYE ruined because of god dam FLU!!!

Yup - half our workforce has it - Phil has been bad for nearly a month now and in the end they sent him for blood tests as he was so weak and has lost 1 1/2 stone in nearly 3 months as he has no appetite. He's only just started to feel better, I have felt ****ty for 2 weeks now, but with no particular sympton - just crap sniffing, coughing, sneezing, aching and extreme tiredness (been in bed by 9 nearly every night for the past 2 weeks man - starting to feel like I should be in a feckin care home!!!)

Drink shed loads of water and take paracetemol - that's all you can do. Good Luck!
I’m just recovering from it. I made it into work today for the first time since Friday. I’ve been in bed everyday sweating it out! The worst about it this year is that I was taking medication that had penicillin in, not knowing that I was allergic… so the reaction wasn’t the most pleasant experience in the world!

Thank Christ I got it this week before Christmas though.

At present I am feeling constantly tired, and have done for the last week or so so glad you said that Pups!!! I was thinking I had something wrong with me or I was in fact very boring! :confused:, have a headache, tired, eyes feel fuzzy, generally dont feel myself :cry:
At present I am feeling constantly tired, and have done for the last week or so so glad you said that Pups!!! I was thinking I had something wrong with me or I was in fact very boring! :confused:, have a headache, tired, eyes feel fuzzy, generally dont feel myself :cry:

Hey this is how bad I feel - 3 christmas parties this week and I have taken the car to each so I didnt have to drink or indulge in anything that might make me feel even worse the next day - and I rarely turn down fun or any excuse to party......

I feel like a 43 year old :eek: :lol::lol::lol:
I have a fuzzy tongue as well, tastes like I have been smoking, what the hell is that all about?!! Now I am conscious of talking to anyone incase I have awful breath :cry::confused:
Hey this is how bad I feel - 3 christmas parties this week and I have taken the car to each so I didnt have to drink or indulge in anything that might make me feel even worse the next day - and I rarely turn down fun or any excuse to party......

I feel like a 43 year old :eek: :lol::lol::lol:

I think my Xmas parties have KILLED me :spank:
hot n cold sweats, lack of appetite. yup, got it.

lots of water, soup and isotonic lucozade is helping but daytime tv is not...
At present I am feeling constantly tired, and have done for the last week or so so glad you said that Pups!!! I was thinking I had something wrong with me or I was in fact very boring! :confused:, have a headache, tired, eyes feel fuzzy, generally dont feel myself :cry:

You sound like you're describing my exact symptoms! The past month I've been feeling generally run down, lethargic, no energy, loss of appetite (and for me this is worrying :lol:), really bad headaches, tired eyes etc. I've put mine down to after-exam stress, hopefully a nice chilled Christmas will make me feel better! :eek: :cry:

One thing I will say - try and get yourself down the gym and do a workout. Even though I've felt knackered I've been trying to get a couple of runs in a week. It really does produce those good feelings, I normally always feel better after a workout. Plus try and eat as healthily as you can (hard I know at Christmas!). I've been trying to eat loads of fruit and veg, and not too many chocolates :eek:
You sound like you're describing my exact symptoms! The past month I've been feeling generally run down, lethargic, no energy, loss of appetite (and for me this is worrying :lol:), really bad headaches, tired eyes etc. I've put mine down to after-exam stress, hopefully a nice chilled Christmas will make me feel better! :eek: :cry:

One thing I will say - try and get yourself down the gym and do a workout. Even though I've felt knackered I've been trying to get a couple of runs in a week. It really does produce those good feelings, I normally always feel better after a workout. Plus try and eat as healthily as you can (hard I know at Christmas!). I've been trying to eat loads of fruit and veg, and not too many chocolates :eek:

I sooooo agree with your gym comments. Since I gave up the gym a year or so ago I have really noticed I get more sluggish yet when I was doing 2 or 3 classes a week I felt so much better, had more energy. I might hit the gym this weekend or go swimming or something :lol:
I had this last year and it did knock me for six, was more then just flu, had the constant nausea and feeling drained for days, it lasted about 2 weeks, I couldnt eat drink, nothing!

Now it seems its making a reappearance this year! Anyone else got the flu here? Everyone on the trains and in the office seems to have it and now I can feel it getting to me arghhhh :spank:

I cannot handle another Xmas and NYE ruined because of god dam FLU!!!

That's not more than flu, that is just flu. and if people are still going to work with 'the flu' they have a cold. I had the flu last christmas too, had to do a 6 hour car drive (obviously, I wasn't driving) back from manchester with it as it struck at the worst time. I was ****ed from The 23rd December through to the start of january. I had hallucinations and all the other crap. The flu is evil.

I couldn't eat Christmas Dinner, either. :cry:
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I sooooo agree with your gym comments. Since I gave up the gym a year or so ago I have really noticed I get more sluggish yet when I was doing 2 or 3 classes a week I felt so much better, had more energy. I might hit the gym this weekend or go swimming or something :lol:

Jesus I found the complete opposite... I went doen to the gym on Saturday when I was properly dosed up. half an hour session completely flattened me! J
pity the poor kunts like me who are caught in a triple pincer-movement of winter flu, man flu and rave flu all in the same week :eek:
Hey this is how bad I feel - 3 christmas parties this week and I have taken the car to each so I didnt have to drink or indulge in anything that might make me feel even worse the next day - and I rarely turn down fun or any excuse to party......

I feel like a 43 year old :eek: :lol::lol::lol:

Me too, but as I am 43 on Sunday, that's no real surprise:lol::lol:

Seriously though, keeping fit and eating well really make a difference, I can't remember last time I was ill. Having said that, I do have a flu vaccine every year since I come into contact with people who are seriously ill through work - no doubt that helps avoid the worst. Flu really is terrible and can be a killer.

Hope all you sick people feel better soon...
It's simple people! Lack on energy due to the fact that we've not seen or folt the sun in weeks!

The ammount of colds going around office's & Train's? Air conditioning and windows being left closed! No air being circulated!!

It's horrible, I was out for the count last week, I HATE being ill and sitting around in my dressing gown all smelly and no appetite! :(
That's not more than flu, that is just flu. and if people are still going to work with 'the flu' they have a cold. I had the flu last christmas too, had to do a 6 hour car drive (obviously, I wasn't driving) back from manchester with it as it struck at the worst time. I was ****ed from The 23rd December through to the start of january. I had hallucinations and all the other crap. The flu is evil.

I couldn't eat Christmas Dinner, either. :cry:

So what do you call not being able to move from bed? Not eating for days? And then when you do try to eat you want to throw it back up again???
I am very rarely ill, I have not called in sick once this year, its just a case of it getting to winter and feeling run down.

I usually manage to shake things off in a day or two. Eating lots of fresh fruit always helps me.
That's not more than flu, that is just flu. and if people are still going to work with 'the flu' they have a cold....... The flu is evil.

Spot on. I collapsed last july (july for feks sake), I had been feeling rough for a few days, weak, headachey, nauseous (?), then i got up in the night felling really bad and lost consciousness hitting my head on the toilet ,bidé, and then the floor on the way down.

My wife found me soaked in sweat with blood pouring from my lip, nose and the back of my head, she was 8 months pregnant !! I was rushed to the hospital where they put me on drips to hydrate me and bring down my temperature, then i had a CT scan as i lost consciousness. I was in hospital for 3 days. It was a foreign strain off flu, i even made a medical journal 8)

Then my wife gave birth 6 days later while i was still in bed recuperating (Obviously i got out of bed for the birth), i look worse in the pictures than she did.

But like you said, when most say they've got the flu, have they FUNK, its a cold !! It took me about 2 months to start to feel better, and we had a new born to contend with :spank: