X-Factor pharce

it's tv pitched at

thick people OR
'ironic' student types OR
people who don't get out much

(some of these are cross-transferable)

ultimately, the only thing that would make it interesting is if fathers for justice invaded the studio and paintbombed the vile tweedy on live tv. Aah now I would be glued to that.
I know im showing my age here but does anybody remember the BBC variety show the Good Old Days...... Down at the old bull and bush?

Now that was proper entertainment:)
Wife persuaded me to sit and watch the final last night.

We had;

1) A guy who was no better than an average Karaoke singer

2) A girl who looked and sounded the part, will surely sell a few records.

The numpty bloke won. What's that all about?

Do they always rig it so the worse of the finalists wins?

Worst part of the show, Take f*cking that, jesus wept, how bad are they.
The girl that looked that part doesn't move and you can only understand the words she is singing if you already know the words. None of those left in the past few weeks were much better than keen amateurs. I doubt we will hear much more about them after christmas.
It all went downhill once Wagner was ejected.
I agree. "Loaf Shack" was fantastic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq49Gv3wFB0
He started taking it all a little too seriously after that though.

I thought the best singer of the whole series was TreyC.

I like the auditions and the early shows in the series when all the delusional nutters are still in it. In the last few weeks I really didn't care who won because by that time I didn't think any of those left in it deserved it.
I like the auditions and the early shows in the series when all the delusional nutters are still in it. In the last few weeks I really didn't care who won because by that time I didn't think any of those left in it deserved it.

Its the saving grace. The rest of it doesn't even bear thinking about. I've spent countless hazy afternoons laughing at the early stage turbo mongs on youtube clips when i generally can't function well enough to think of anything better to do with my time on the internet.