X-Factor pharce


Active Member
Wife persuaded me to sit and watch the final last night.

We had;

1) A guy who was no better than an average Karaoke singer

2) A girl who looked and sounded the part, will surely sell a few records.

The numpty bloke won. What's that all about?

Do they always rig it so the worse of the finalists wins?

Worst part of the show, Take f*cking that, jesus wept, how bad are they.
Give a f*ck.

Didn't watch it...out of total ambivalence to the subject.

It's a music show yet it has nothing to do with music - or anything for that matter - least of all entertainment.


Thread hijack alert. :lol:

On another note - will the new generation of undergrads finally have something interesting to say about life? Hopefully if this kid is anything to go by.



There you go - you can all witter on endlessly about x-factor now. :rolleyes:
Give a f*ck.

Didn't watch it...out of total ambivalence to the subject.

It's a music show yet it has nothing to do with music - or anything for that matter - least of all entertainment.


Thread hijack alert. :lol:

On another note - will the new generation of undergrads finally have something interesting to say about life? Hopefully if this kid is anything to go by.



There you go - you can all witter on endlessly about x-factor now. :rolleyes:

dear oh dear, its another bloody william hague!!!

he should be out fingering girls in the park or experimenting with class b hallucagenics!!
he should be out fingering girls in the park or experimenting with class b hallucagenics!!

He probably is!

He reminds me of one of the middle class schoolboy rebels from that film 'If' (have I got the correct title?)

Despite his public schoolboy drawl, you can't help but admire his integrity.

I suppose I am just mad at myself for being coerced into watching the stoopid programme for 20 minutes:spank:

Naaah. 20m watched it for a reason your far from alone. I watched the final & it was good tv. As above, nothing to do with music mind, it is entertaining though, if anything to see life through the eyes of the underclass.

If you watch it all po-faced 'it's not entertainment' - then you'll spend your life being wound up.

It's a pantomime that people can interact with on so many levels, the vocal 'I hate it' gang pander to it by at least engaging.
It's a pantomime that people can interact with on so many levels, the vocal 'I hate it' gang pander to it by at least engaging.

Exactly, its a very well rehearsed and slick stage managed pantomime. Not a fan, but its all harmless fun that people seem to lap up in buckets.

And yes it is rigged to ensure Cowell can milk each act for its full market potential.

Matt was never going to sell longterm as much as the boy band and the Liverpool girl, so they position him as winner to cash in on the immediate publicity his win will generate.

Reports over here suggest that one of the boy band members said "think of all the pus*y you will get" when congratulating Matt on Stage:)

and hes just 16!
He probably is!

He reminds me of one of the middle class schoolboy rebels from that film 'If' (have I got the correct title?)

Despite his public schoolboy drawl, you can't help but admire his integrity.

and if he isnt, he soon will be :D
hmmm. i do have one small criticism, they really should warn us that there may be the odd flashing light during the programme.
Naaah. 20m watched it for a reason your far from alone. I watched the final & it was good tv. As above, nothing to do with music mind, it is entertaining though, if anything to see life through the eyes of the underclass.

If you watch it all po-faced 'it's not entertainment' - then you'll spend your life being wound up.

It's a pantomime that people can interact with on so many levels, the vocal 'I hate it' gang pander to it by at least engaging.

I suppose that is my mistake, watching it from the perspective that it's a music related show:oops: Regardless, I won't be watching it again and will remain a grumpy old tw&t outside in my office if it's on again next year:lol::lol::lol:
hmmm. i do have one small criticism, they really should warn us that there may be the odd flashing light during the programme.

Now the lights were impressive, a few more pyrotechnics would not go amiss though. A few air bomb repeaters and such like would liven the show up.
I suppose that is my mistake, watching it from the perspective that it's a music related show:oops: Regardless, I won't be watching it again and will remain a grumpy old tw&t outside in my office if it's on again next year:lol::lol::lol:

I'll join! Misery loves company.

Intend to remain po faced and grumpy throughout the entire stretch of the next series.
Exactly, its a very well rehearsed and slick stage managed pantomime. Not a fan, but its all harmless fun that people seem to lap up in buckets.

And yes it is rigged to ensure Cowell can milk each act for its full market potential.

Matt was never going to sell longterm as much as the boy band and the Liverpool girl, so they position him as winner to cash in on the immediate publicity his win will generate.

Reports over here suggest that one of the boy band members said "think of all the pus*y you will get" when congratulating Matt on Stage:)

and hes just 16!

He did!! Thank god for Sky Plus and rewind