x-amount: Gone (and if not forgotten, forgiven)

Dan x, that's a bit of a **** name, why don't you change it to TED STRIKER;)
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Dan x said:
That said, my mission to teach Morbyd humility is not yet considered complete
Ah, once again you've misjudged me, my friend... in life, I am quite humble. Doesn't serve one much on a message board though :lol:

Welcome back, old friend. 'tis truly good to have you around once more.
i don't think you can say "who was x-amount", the tense is wrong............its like asking "who was god?"........it just doesn't sound right....................

PMSL @ juxtaposing x-amount and God:lol: :lol:
Huehnerdiebin said:
Sirens, don`t tell him that you are 50% german :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I should return in the "deutschsprechend" Forum very very quick :lol:

hola anja.............i know sirens is half german already :p.

and why are you running to the "deutschsprechend" Forum, are you telling me that you want to fangen spielen ;) :lol:
Huehnerdiebin said:
Sirens, don`t tell him that you are 50% german :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I should return in the "deutschsprechend" Forum very very quick :lol:

I'll just tell him he is a Blödes Arschloch ;)