x-amount: Gone (and if not forgotten, forgiven)

Dan x

Active Member

Firstly may I apologise fort the entirely sefl-satisfying nature of this announcement, though, erm, yeah.

X-amount is no more. following my recent banning, it occured to me that I was a little out of line. Maybe a lot.

I suppose I can only excuse it by generally going through a period of being a negative little **** (sorry), which I can only assume bore out of other general dissatisfactions in the (working) life of me.

To this extent, not only have I sorted out those inflictions, I have also realised that, to paraphrase Mr Gump, "negative is as negative does", i.e. general bad feelings and views breed further bad feelings IMO (a worthy esson we could all learn)

So, in short, and thanks to the generosity of the good mods on here, I'm back. Like a Daz, I'm new and, I like to think, improved.

So then, here's to a more cheerier me, an amazing summer, and peace love, unity, and, for the old schoolers amongst us, respect for all. mwa

That said, my mission to teach Morbyd humility is not yet considered complete, and if any wannabes want to fire one of your snidey desperate trademark insults then feel free to incur my wrath (you know who you are!).... ;)

Seriously, peace. And let's face it, someone needs to make Buckleys humour feel wanted...

x-amount is dead

Long live... Dan x!


*nods to mods in appreciation*
sandi said:

The timing's almost perfect Sandi! But then the mod's killed Him before Good Friday so he's allowed back before Sunday.

I may be mixing my metaphors but I'm sure I left a fatted calf around here somewhere. Anyoen seen it?:confused:
lol... just like Christ risen from the grave - Dan is back!!! Welcome back Dan ;)

(NB Buckley this is not a cause for another religious debate....PLEASE!! :eek: :lol: )
Beckiboo said:
lol... just like Christ risen from the grave - Dan is back!!! Welcome back Dan ;)

(NB Buckley this is not a cause for another religious debate....PLEASE!! :eek: :lol: )

Adopts movie baddie guise - "You see, Miss Boo, you and me, we are not so different......":lol:
Dan x said:
So then, here's to a more cheerier me, an amazing summer, and peace love, unity, and, for the old schoolers amongst us, respect for all. mwa

Is this the real x-amount??

I quite liked it when you were harsh. :lol:
Holly G said:
Is this the real x-amount??

I quite liked it when you were harsh. :lol:

:lol: So did I, esp when it was directed at ______ :lol:

Welcome back :D

Now can we get Naddyz reinstated if the Mods have gone all soft on us :lol:
He's back!
Please no more distractions or I'll lose my job! :eek: :lol:

Prizes for the first person to spark off an x-rant! ;)
Welcome back Mr. Sinclar :lol:

I would like to say however that if you are allowed back then Nick should be allowed back too. I think everyone has learned their lessons :lol: