Would it be wrong?

This thread has made me appreciate and understand why I love being single. Blokes these days seem to be like little boys who have to ask mummy if they can do anything. What a ****e way to live your life. Sorry to be so curt but it really is stupid. My friend is not 'allowed' out for a Christmas eve drink today, he is 34 - MAN THE **** UP.
Truth and honesty is the best way. This is crazy to think you have to lie to get away, it doesn't matter if you male or female trust is most important in a relationship.
She questioned my "trip for one" comp the day after as she thought it was weird that a comp would be for one and not two. And if it was two she wants to go :lol: It was always gonna be a crap idea.
Guess I will just see if I can afford to book it cheaply for a 4 day stint for two and tell her it is her birthday present, then I look kind and get to get to Ibiza for a few days :D