worth the visit ?

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Hey guys,

i'm in a bit of a dilemma here. I have the opportunity to visit Ibiza for 1 full week. I have always dreamt of going but I am not sure if I should. The problem is that I am coming with my girlfriend. We are both quite young - I am 20, she's 19 ) and we are both very much into clubbing. Now, Ibiza is known as the party place, and whoever comes, has to go clubbing. I like to go clubbing with my friends, and she likes to go clubbing with her friends...and besides that, we can't really be just us 2, going to a club since it would be hellaaaa boring :) Don't take it the wrong way, I love my gf very much but I think I would get bored alone with her in a club. Even more unfortunate, none of our friends can afford to come with us. What should I do ? Is there enough stuff to do for couples ? Is Ibiza really a good destination for a couple or should I go somewhere else and come back with friends ? Ideally, I'd like to go with my gf and many more people but we don't know anyone.

Please advise!
wow catharsis,

let's hope your missus didn't read that ;-)

ibiza is about so much more than the clubbing. i have been with my second half on the island for 8 years now and i wouldn't miss it for the world.

take her out to a beach restaurant, just the two of you and eat paella as the sun sets.

chill down at cafe del mar or mambo (bit livelier) and hear some of the top jocks in a more relaxed atmosphere than a club - you are bound to meet loads for people too

go to ibiza town and have a few drinks in the base bar or the rock bar - again you are bound to meet other couples.

go to bora bora for the same reason.

if you both enjoy clubbing (even if you have slightly differnet tastes) i can't see how you can go wrong here. open your mind and i am sure you'll have a cracking time.
Ibiza is all about making new friends and you sure will do that ;)
As James says its not all about clubbing, do a bit of research from this site and your eyes will be opened to a multitude of things to do ;)
Have fun & take the opportunity to get to know each other more :D
.. or let her read your post then you will be able to go on your own!
please dont hesitate to go:
the first time I went i was like: yeah right! ibiza is this s*ithole of a place full of clubs and nothing to do but to get drunk. I was mervelled with its beauty and astonishing choise of things to do. Its definately romantic too and my favourite place!!!

take her to see the sunset some miles away from it all, bring her a bottle of champagne, get tipsy and make out where no one can see you....
sounds like you honestly might wanna do some damage repair or actually get to know your spouse a bit better, if you cant go out together or concider bringing friends instead.
i got married last year and couldnt wait to show my husband ibiza for the first time....he fell in love with the place and it was the best time ever, to be with him and not just some random friends!

try it and you wont be let down! surprise her and do something new, who knows you may end up falling in love with her all over again!

I warned you guys not to take me the wrong way :)

I have been with my gf for about 2 years and we have visited many places together - France, Greece, Canada, etc. We always enjoy very much our time together but I always had the impression that Ibiza was this place where you can remain drunk 24/7 and hit on everything that moves :) I wasn't sure if I would fit in, alone with my gf. After reading more posts here though I realized that I'm not the only one going with their gf's and that there are plenty of things to do around...so I am coming :)

Thanks guys
the 2 of you will love it

i've been on lads hols there and then last year me & the gf went
my friends were there at the same time but we only met up with them at night.
it was the first time she had been and she had some reservations too (with all the negative publicity the island gets :evil: ) but she fell in love and wanted to come back this year after only being there a day

glasgow_chick & i are heading off on the 26th (just us this time)
looking forward to sitting at the beach in front of Mambo with a Corona watching the sun dip into the water

have a great time :D
You will love it!

My boyfriend and I just love it when it's just us two clubbing - usually there are a group of us but when it's us two we have the best nights. At first I thought like you, what if he gets bored with just little ole me around - not all at - it makes our club nights even better and after a few years we are still doing it ;)

On Friday we are off to Ibiza to club on our lonesome - can't wait 8)
If its just the two of you then i would avoid certain places that arn't the most entertaining laces for couples.
These include the west end as your girlfriend may get hit on by lads and you might get annoyed.
The clubs in San an can be like this also at times
Most other places will be fine for you as a couple as most people will respect that.
Try and chat to people while your there and make some friends
It would be very sad if you can't go clubbing together as a couple.
On top of that there are lots of other things to do in Ibiza that you can do in many other holiday destinations
such as - Sight seeing, there are many beuatiful places on the island
Nice meal - there are lots of good and bad places to eat on the island try and avoid the places that look like they are there for the tourists with there big neon signs e.t.c
Chill on a nice beach - there are lots of nice quiet secluded beaches in ibiza and formentera ( we had a beach to ourselves in es calo in formentera, well until two naked germans blokes joined us, which was quite funny as one of them couldn't keep it down so had to put his shorts back on PMSL. )
Watch a romantic sunset - there are different places to watch the sunset in Ibiza and some are more busy and noisier than others.
so lots to do as well as taking your GF out to a club TOGETHER and seeing each others smiles as your fave tune comes on !
i cant wait to go back to ibiza with a gf...sharing those amazing moments of musical extacy, finding a quiet spot and watching the sunset with a bottle of chilled wine, making love on the beach.. ;) Its all pure bliss!! :D

i'd feel lucky if i was you :)
you will have an awesome time, clubbing england or ibiza is always my boyf and i and we share great memeories from the three year swe have been togther!

your holiday will be what you make it!!
