Working In Ibiza 2007


New Member
Anyone heading to Ibiza next summer to work, im going there at around the start of June. Not sure if im going alone or with a mate. Anyone who is heading out around that time and want to meet up let me know. I will be heading out for the first time as a worker, went this year with my mates and realised I belong there! Looking for work as a PR prefferably. Hoping to stay in San An.
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I will be heading out hopefully with another friend PETER at the beginning of june. I will be staying for a holiday with my friend for a week, then he is going back to ireland and i will be staying for the rest of the summer to work. San Antonio is where we intend to be for the holiday, so ill prob. stay and work there. it will be my first time in Ibiza, by the way... what a coincidence that you will be doing the same as me!!!
What sort of work are you goin to look for once your there? I was thinking about getting a PR job, they look the easiest. Plus you can get pissed while your working! I went with my mates for a holiday in september, only went for 1 week though. Have you ever been to Ibiza on holiday before?
ibiza summer of 2007!!

Hi guys,

im also planning on going to ibiza, san antonio this coming summer. Im going to go over at the start of May as i finish my studies in April. me and my friend are going to take a weeks vacation and try and find work. I would prefer to work in a bar or a club as I did PR work before and found it very stressful! Is PR work ment to be better?

i also went to Ibiza last year in the summer and again for the closing parties in sept! Such fun!
Im not too sure if PR work or Bar work is better. PR work looks like a better laugh to be honest. I met a few folk that were working as PR's last year and they said that it was a lot easier than bar work because you get paid for the amount of people you get into the bar rather than a wage. So it depends if you have the gift of the gab i suppose. Most folk i've spoke to said you get more money PRing. Where did you work abroad before?
In Sydney in Australia, im just not good at convincing people! dont get me wrong im a people person but if someone says no am not coming in im like ok then!! lol.
I will be heading out hopefully with another friend PETER at the beginning of june. I will be staying for a holiday with my friend for a week, then he is going back to ireland and i will be staying for the rest of the summer to work. San Antonio is where we intend to be for the holiday, so ill prob. stay and work there. it will be my first time in Ibiza, by the way... what a coincidence that you will be doing the same as me!!!

Wel me and my mate doin da same as dat but both of us are stayin on after da week is over. a group of us was out der last year for a week and didnt wanna come home its mental out der. i hear its fairly hard to find work but a mate of mine got work in an irish bar and said it was fairly cushey.
8O im the same as u lot i wanna do pr wrk coz it looks the easyest n i like to get pissed to its my hobby!!lol im probs goin on my own at end of april or begg of may any1 else goin on there own??8O
Alright mate, yeah I might be goin on my own. Im supposed to be goin out with a mate but I think they will pull out before we go. Have you ever worked abroad before? I met a few workers last year they all said it was the best thing they have ever done, I cant wait. I wish the season started now!
no mate ive neva wrked there b4 but went there on hols last year n thought it was mint.altho im goin on my own i would hav prefered to hav gone wid a mate coz i neva done anything like it b4. hav u eva wrked there b4
nah i've never worked abroad before, this will be my first time. I know a few folk that have worked there though and they all say its the best summer they've had. I'll probably be goin on my own too mate, my friend that was gona come over with me has pulled out. Do you have msn or bebo? If you do let me know what it is, we should keep in touch and meet up once were out there.
Alright mate, yeah i'll email you once im home, im in work just now but cant get into email here. Have you though about what you want to do once your out there? Im hoping to get a PR job, not sure though because I dont want to work 7 days. Would rather do 5 days or 4 on 3 off, sumthin like that. Im gonna take at least enough money to cover my rent for the summer so all the money i earn is for food, drink and drugs! haha
oh yes my son!!the drugs r plentyfull lol8O . i was thinkin bout pr aswel ive heard pr at space is 4 on 3off do u hav any experience in a bar? how much u actually thinkin of takin then?
yeah i've worked in a bar before, its one of the worst jobs i;ve ever done. PR work seems a lot more laid back I think, plus if your good you get more cash! PR for Space would be an ideal job, that would be quality. Im thinking of heading over at the end of may, I was gonna go over earlier than that but supposedly end of may / start of june is best time to go.
ive heard the last week in april is best time coz the party season offically opens on may 1st n it gives u more chance to settle in. how much cash r u thinkin of takin??
ideally im gonna take about £2000 with me, i want to take at least £1000 but im not sure. im getting made redundant in april so should get about £3000 from that. need to pay off debts etc with that tho so will be left with abou £1500. I want to be able to pay mt rent up front.
hey yall!!

hi im goin ibiza on may 7th 2 work 4 the summer!! bin the last couple of yrs 4 hols n it absolutely rocks! so 13 wks 2 go n countin!! me n my friend kel have got a wks stay at club paraiso til the 14th may. im lookin to work 4 a night i.e carl cox at space or somethin or even maumission.i quite fancy a bar job however not in the west end!! bora bora i reckon i wana work!! just wondered wot u r all plannin 2 do?? xxxxxxxxxxx :p