Working and Living in Ibiza Town


Active Member
After doing a season in San An already, I decided that kind of lifestyle was enough for one season. I feel slightly (dare I say it!) too old to be getting trashed 3 times a week and standing about flyering, and its a case of 'been there, done that'.

After my holiday this year though all I can think about is moving back over there again, but living in the old town and generally enjoying the lifestyle and what the island has to offer and a more leisurely pace.

I'm going to be immersing myself in learning Spanish, and would like to get out there probably 2010...just wondering if anyone else has worked on this side of the island and if there is any advice?

Ta :)
Hey there, this is my first year in Ibiza and I must admit that living in San antonio was hell!....loads of trouble maker, drunkard people around the beach, too noisy but apart from that the clubbingwise was amazing.

Eivissa town is more calm and there are a lot of nice people who are here try to make friends with other, especially in playa den bossa. Bora bora is the best place to be !!!! Ive been here for few days and i noticed that Spanish language is a very big advanntage. If you got English and Spanish then you will get any job easily. I cant speak Spanish either but to have a spanish friend beside me is very helpfull ad at the same time you will learn Spanish very quick! unless u smoke weed!

Thats all experience that i can tell you so far. got far ahead to adventure myself in this island till sept!...all da best