Work Trip to Ibiza - ideas needed!

What about Bon Sol in PDB? I've stayed there 3 times... OK, I got robbed one year (2007) but stayed there since then and if was fine ( really, it was!)

I think they are the cheapest option around in PDB these days...(but who knows, maybe you are looking for something more upmarket!)

I last stayed there in 2011 and it was good! They have fridges in the rooms, if that helps... you want to keep the drinks cool. It is basic however, but I'm assuming with a 2 night stay you aren't going to be spending much time sleeping?!
I think the Tivoli is cheaper and perhaps better rooms than Bon Sol (and about 10meters away). Bon Sol was the first place i stayed in ibiza.
What a great way to treat your staff, a lot of business owners could learn from MarkB (the wise one) :)

Cheers mate, the staff are buzzing (but so am I so it's not completely selfless! ;))

After 24 hrs of looking into all the great suggestions from here, I've ended up booking the Hotel Club Bahamas in PDB, it was the only hotel who would take 16 people for two nights in PDB. (which wouldn't require a remortgage). Most wanted either a 3,5 or 7 night minimum.

Thanks everyone much appreciated!!

It looks like a great location, which is key for a two night stay