Work In Ibiza


New Member
Me and a friend are heading out in 2 weeks and were hoping to find work. A friend went out last week with 7 others and said that there is no work about and that it looks like they will have to head home early. Can anyone who is in Ibiza now let me know what the situation is like at the moment with finding work.
its poor this year for work.....i left on the 4th june to come home after not getting a job and there was nothing about....ive still got mates out there now that had more money to stay who still havent got jobs and theyve been there since may....but best of luck anyway and my advice is if you get a job make sure you keep it
Yeah I found that, was out there for the whole of June and after about a week decided I would just stay till my money ran out because I found it too hard to get a job! Best of luck though, just keep on asking everywhere!