When I drank wine, I was also partial to merlot. I didn't like cabernet sauvignon. This was years and years ago... My high school sweetheart's father was a doctor who had a massive poorly-guarded wine collection. We drank bottle after bottle of the stuff like every day after school. I think he finally noticed, but we didn't really stop. Anyway... the merlots were the best wines.
And champagne... I liked dry champagne better than brut.
These days, I don't drink I believe I quit in 2013; which is ages ago now... It feels like that's much too long ago, but it could have been... I would have to look at when I leased my old apartment because I know I drank there. I moved back in with my parents at the beginning of 2018 newly-sober off of edibles. It must have been more recent than that, but anyway I did stop drinking.
My problem was that I would drink to excess. I tended to stagger back to the liquor store for more when I was drunk and ran out. I've heard worse stories of course, but I knew my drinking wasn't healthy. When they started me on a medication that disagreed with alcohol I saw it as an opportunity and just told myself I'd have to quit.
In reality one psychiatrist eventually told me that it's ok to still have a glass of wine with this medication. I explained that's fine, but it's never just one...