Wife has passed out.....


For real. What to do! I ain't waking her if that's what you're thinking! That'll be 5 mins tops and then I am Fcked.....
Okay guys. Update. And this isn't a joke.

Taxi to West end as I'm in San An.
Up and down the strip waiting for the offer of something extra than drink as I need a lift. But not off the usual offer you get on the streets.
Finally someone seems okay and we go into his bar/club.
Quick blast and it seems okay so I stay for a few drinks with occasional trip upstairs to partake as you do.
All is good getting to 2.45 in the morning.
Suddenly chap next to me drink goes all over me.
The police have raided the bar!! I'm like oh shit!
Everyone's backed up to bar while they search the floor around us.
Suddenly my phone rings! It is the wife! Where are you? She shouts.
Not right now love we're getting raided!!
In comes the sniffer dog! This ain't going well.
The bloke who sorted things in the first place is now looking at me to say. Well I see you for the first time and now my bars been busted!!! The wife is phoning again!! And a sniffer dog is fast approaching!! This isn't going well at all.
I take my place up next in queue. With things tucked right under sack trying to sort of cross legs. The dog has three runs at us and at one point sort of stops at me but then moves on. Phew!!
We get the nod to leave and I'm out of there. In the dog house at home which may be worse than getting nicked. And not even cheaper. This is going to cost a handbag. And the wife has expensive tastes in handbags.
So should have been an okay night mixing with the teenagers turned into a bit of a panic up.......
go to eat with all family (nice garden) at Es vental c/ Cervantes 22 ,closed by ship in, above kfc in wes tend it will cost u less than a bag :D
Pacha would have done me. And again no joke. At Pacha Sunday just gone for Solomun.
Two "women" in the crowd but to me look like working girls. One is in my ear talking but I'm a good boy as far as things like that goes. One woman man.
Anyhow this one keeps trying to chat and almost seems upset I'm not giving anything back. Goes away but then comes back again. Keeps showing a keen eye. In the end she puts a card into my hand and walks off. No idea why I keep it. Go to the toilet at end of night and look at the card.

Trans gender!! For real! I didn't click at all and he/She looked 100% woman. Good job I'm behaved is all I can say.....
Okay guys. Update. And this isn't a joke.

Taxi to West end as I'm in San An.
Up and down the strip waiting for the offer of something extra than drink as I need a lift. But not off the usual offer you get on the streets.
Finally someone seems okay and we go into his bar/club.
Quick blast and it seems okay so I stay for a few drinks with occasional trip upstairs to partake as you do.
All is good getting to 2.45 in the morning.
Suddenly chap next to me drink goes all over me.
The police have raided the bar!! I'm like oh shit!
Everyone's backed up to bar while they search the floor around us.
Suddenly my phone rings! It is the wife! Where are you? She shouts.
Not right now love we're getting raided!!
In comes the sniffer dog! This ain't going well.
The bloke who sorted things in the first place is now looking at me to say. Well I see you for the first time and now my bars been busted!!! The wife is phoning again!! And a sniffer dog is fast approaching!! This isn't going well at all.
I take my place up next in queue. With things tucked right under sack trying to sort of cross legs. The dog has three runs at us and at one point sort of stops at me but then moves on. Phew!!
We get the nod to leave and I'm out of there. In the dog house at home which may be worse than getting nicked. And not even cheaper. This is going to cost a handbag. And the wife has expensive tastes in handbags.
So should have been an okay night mixing with the teenagers turned into a bit of a panic up.......
Sounds like bars being rated and sniffer dogs is a big thing this year!