Ah excellent. I didn't realise such licences were transferable - would certainly be keen to look at doing it in the UK. Any websites you'd recommend with more info? Obviously I can just Google but all this is pretty alien to me right now!
It's a minefield and it also depends on your nationality and residence, believe it or not. If you are British, British resident (or Dutch!) then the RYA Level 2 Powerboat cert. will qualify you for an ICC 10-metre licence, more or less automatically. Otherwise, you have to do the ICC exam in your country. It's totally bizarre and you can read the full story
We did ours as a spur of the moment thing, so just found somewhere in San An so I can't really recommend anywhere in the UK, but check the
RYA website, it's got loads of useful stuff although, much like in aviation, they have a tendency to make it all sound a lot more intimidating than it actually is!
380 for the day is excellent, as I'm guessing we're talking about something pretty powerful? Fuel is a bastard I agree, and a major plus point for Star Boats as they include it in the price, and we must have gone through a fair amount of it, to the point I was worried about running out while chasing the Cream boat.
Yeah, it was a great price and I'd highly recommend the company, the boat was a RIB, with a 115HP engine (IIRC), which is considerably more fun than the 15 you get without a licence! It was clean, well maintained and they even provided us with a cool box full of ice.
One boat that did strike me while we were out - actually there were a couple moored within a few meters - was a relatively small speedboat, about 15ft long, in Santa Eularia harbour, which had TWO 250HP Mercury outboards on the back. The definition of overkill. Anyone who's driven a powerboat will know that it takes a lot less horsepower to get a lot more speed in a boat, so 500bhp on the back of a boat is utterly insane. Could be wrong, but surely you're looking at a potential 200mph+ on calm seas with that kind of output?
The boat we did our training in was a 550HP monster (yours for 220,000€!) but you need considerably more power on water than you do on land to reach the same speed and, besides, 30kph on water feels more like 100 on land anyway! I suspect the boats with two massive engines are used for water skiing or wake-boarding where the extra power comes in handy, although I'm by no means an expert.