Why go to Ibiza...

What about Zoo Project Heather? Opens at 16:00, shuts at 12:00midnight. The only problem I'd foresee with that is getting a taxi back maybe, as it's a little out of the way.
They do free buses back from the Zoo!

I dont get it either, but it seems the West End is the new magaluf and people only wanna go there to get drunk and no intention of going to any of the clubs!
They do free buses back from the Zoo!

I dont get it either, but it seems the West End is the new magaluf and people only wanna go there to get drunk and no intention of going to any of the clubs!

Not everyone is in Ibiza to go to clubs !!

Been out to four times this Summer and stayed in San An on all trips. Didn't notice West End being any more or less drinking-focused than in previous years. Certainly not in the same league as Magaluf or Falaraki when I was there so if it was particularly "bad" may just have been during your particular days ?

One thing I did observe was behaviour in PDB that was far more unpleasant than in San An on the same nights. So think it's just who's where when you happen to be there.
I think it was definatley worse than previous years! and is as bad as magaluf when i went to magaluf anyway

id say 4 years ago, San an was 50-50 drug takers and drinkers, now its more like 95-5 with the 95 being drinkers!

Full of roid heads pinching girls asses and starting fights, Didnt like it at all
Love it how so many people try to make the West end sound like a genteel night out in Harrogate.

On a night, parts of the West End are a right **** hole full of pissheads going mental. Always has been and always will be. Probably.

That's fair enough, if that's their cup of tea, let them get on with it. Most young lads have had a holiday like that at some point. I did.

Let's stop moaning about those who enjoy it but equally let's stop denying it's rough as a badger's arse.

Because it is.
One thing I keep hearing is that if people are only going to do the West End thing they might as well go else where because it's cheaper, but is that really the case?

Will a week long holiday in San Antonio with hotel and flights inc plus drinking expense be any more expensive than the equivalent in Magaluf, Benidorm, Falaraki etc..?

I can't see it being much more.
Even on the West End prices vary tremendously. Vodka and Soda at 'Delilah's bar' = 4 Euros, same drink in that '70's 80's 90's' bar less than a minute's walk away= 7 Euros. Still break into cold sweats spending 14 Euros in Es Paradis. The prices are low at the top of the West End, then seem to rise as you get closer to the clubs.
One thing I keep hearing is that if people are only going to do the West End thing they might as well go else where because it's cheaper, but is that really the case?

Will a week long holiday in San Antonio with hotel and flights inc plus drinking expense be any more expensive than the equivalent in Magaluf, Benidorm, Falaraki etc..?

I can't see it being much more.

I agree, I've seen loads of cheap holidays advertised for "7 nights in Ibiza - £199".

And it's usually some fleapit in SA, perfect for 18 year old lads wanting a cheap week on the drink. :lol:
As much as the West End is a total toilet, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had some great times out in the west end over the years. I'm glad its there. It serves a purpose.
The West end isnt for everyone, Ive been to the island 14 times now, and have experienced it from the PDB side and San an, and both have there merits and downfalls.

PDB is more chilled and its usually more civilized, but I usually find drinking there more expensive. The age group is usually higher here as well which isnt a bad thing.

The west end can be a ****e hole in some parts agreed, but some of the bars aren't to bad to start your night in, just stay away from the British and Irish pubs (why would you want to go to them anyway) and its alright. I always stay in San An now and start off in the west end every night, mainly due to the fact im getting to no more and more people round there and i always have a laugh (always stay in the same bar tho) then i head off to the bus station and get a cheap bus to the main clubs.

I also spend some time in other bars all around the island.

Its all down to what suits you I guess, at the end of the day its YOUR holiday and should do whatever you want. Next year however i plan 3 days in PDB then a week in San An just as an excuse to stay for ten days ;)
Nothing wrong with the west end, like previous poster said, it serves a purpose! It can be fun for a cheaper night out, and then you have the cheaper clubs that sit in those streets as well, Hush for example is quite good, and offers an alternative to the superclubs. The one place I really dont like though is Linekars, such a nice location but such a horrible chavvy bar, I like to see that change it a nice resturant, or more classier bar
Nothing wrong with the west end, like previous poster said, it serves a purpose! It can be fun for a cheaper night out, and then you have the cheaper clubs that sit in those streets as well, Hush for example is quite good, and offers an alternative to the superclubs. The one place I really dont like though is Linekars, such a nice location but such a horrible chavvy bar, I like to see that change it a nice resturant, or more classier bar

You just saved me repeating the same. The only bar in the whole island I actually can't stand is Linekars, full of pissed up English ****ers. And I'm English. It's vile, in my opinion. Don't have a problem with the West End, apart from the annoying flyer people, it is what it is.