Who, When, Where??? 2004

DATE:9th of July 4 a week

ACCOMODATION: S'estanyol San An Bay

GROUP:Me (Speedy), Danny (Big Lad) , Ginna Liam (Hes ginger LOL)

Name: Matt (me mate Karl)
Accomodation: Club Paraiso Apartments
Date: 6th - 20th August 04
Who? me (kim), linzi, kerry, jodie
Where? Mar Y Vent Apartments - San An
When? 9th July - 23 July
Name Fifi trixie bell, sara bella, sexy eyes jane
Accommodation sol apartments
Date 17th July-31st July
Name: eve and jordi -my spanish temptation. going for our 1st anniversary. :D

Acc : somehwere in ibiza town near the harbour.

Dates : 19th june-sat
22nd june -tues