Who fancies a line of bananas?

anyway, you can forget about smuggling gear down your pants from now on

nice one, al qaeda :roll:
Only here could a thread about some chop found in some bananas descend into an in depth analysis of British Dance Culture in the last 15 years 8O:lol:


Fukcing true tho ain't it?

...and rather an intelligent debate about music than a conversation about bananas...or worse...which drugs will I be taking this summer? 8O

In fact would someone mind starting a thread about drugs because I don't feel enough has been said on that subject. :roll: :lol:
Err, we're living through a lucky period where a pretty damn fine drug can be bought legally (tho probably not for much longer).
the reason the plant food is still legal is that the government's advisory panel has been thrown into chaos by Professor Nutt's sacking and the mass resignations which followed. Word is that they are going to form a rival advisory panel and so now obviously the Home Office agenda has been delayed because they have nothing to go on. It will eventually get banned through and don't expect Cameron to take a more liberal line either (even if his wife was cool and sucking Tricky's cock in the 90s)
Err, we're living through a lucky period where a pretty damn fine drug can be bought legally (tho probably not for much longer).

even that it not the same as it was. people have jumped on that bandwagon at an alarming rate (especially in dundee)

plus it makes you stink if you taking it regularly. the smell of it sticks to everything and it's not exactly a nice smell.
even that it not the same as it was. people have jumped on that bandwagon at an alarming rate (especially in dundee)

plus it makes you stink if you taking it regularly. the smell of it sticks to everything and it's not exactly a nice smell.

God knows what you've been taking fella, but i've had no problems like that with stuff ordered off the net
God knows what you've been taking fella, but i've had no problems like that with stuff ordered off the net

I've not been taking it. Mephedrone has turned into a pandemic in Dundee, hence why i said it's not even the same anymore. people are stepping all over it and it's not the same as what i've tried off the internet about a year ago.

It def has a distinctive smell though.

I started clubbing in the mid 80's in Washington, Baltimore and New York. You would see artist like slyvester, Madonna etal. Alot of New artist would get there starts in the clubs then it would migrate to the radio. It was all about the music not the DJ. Some of my best night sober or night were in the Garage (5 hour drive each way). listening to a mix of music. I was going there for a couple of years before I knew whon Larry Lavin was. Now it seems the DJ's thinks it is all about them not the music. I saw Morrillo in 08 went to Pacha for dinner so got in early. The night started slowly and built up all night reminded me of my early days. Now we the clubbers(me included:oops:) only want to show up to a club that is going full tilt(3 am dspsnding on your place of worship). We the clubbers have helped kill off the thing we love.
Until the drugs are better there's never going to be another period like the 90's. Sadly I don't think that will ever come back. Everything is sh1t these days, its enough to make me want to stay in drinking cups of tea (which I have been doing a lot lately!)
God knows what you've been taking fella, but i've had no problems like that with stuff ordered off the net

Definitely has a pretty foul smell. It's that widespread that it's hit surburban pubs and is known among my non-club mates who take it as 'the cast p1ss':lol:
Until the drugs are better there's never going to be another period like the 90's. Sadly I don't think that will ever come back. Everything is sh1t these days, its enough to make me want to stay in drinking cups of tea (which I have been doing a lot lately!)

Ummm - inclined to agree but I'm a tad more optimistic.

Exciting times ahead due to recession, car crash politics and a cross generation.

ETA: 2011 (although dance music is already going a bit psychadelic in places and people are beginning to say stuff again - at bloody last.)
It is!

I repeat...

drugs really are secondary.

Some drugs encourage community (e, acid)...some encourage segregation and egoism (alcohol, coke). That's about all you can say on that subject.

People woke up in the 80s/90s because of political unrest. Ecstasy helped things along with a bit of divine timing that's all.